She opened the refrigerator. "We've talked about it," she confided, broaching this topic for the first time with T.K. "We agreed that there's still time for us to get to know each other. One step at a time, you know?"

"If you wanna get married, do it," said T.K., "You do what you want, Mama. Don't let anything or anyone hold you back, especially not me or Mia. Life's too short for anything less."

Sasha stared at her son, unsurprised by his serious tone. His near-death experience, like anyone else, had changed him; he was quieter, if that was possible. More pensive. He was still unhappy; Lamar was still missing, one month on, and the widespread rumor around the neighborhood and T.K.'s school was that the teenage drug dealer was most likely dead. Sasha didn't know what to think, and even though she didn't want to think the worst, she prepped herself up for it so she could be there for her son when he needed her. "You okay, baby?" she asked, gently rubbing his arm.

T.K. nodded his head and flashed her a warm smile. "I'm fine. I'm just happy for you and Joe. You both deserve to be loved the way you love each other."

"I want you to be happy too," said Sasha.

"I'm happy when you're happy, Ma," the teen replied, biting his lip for a beat before glancing back at his mother. "So let's do it. Let's move in with Joe."

Sasha's smile broadened. "Okay. It's settled then." Leaning against the sink, she exhaled heavily and looked around. "You know, I'm really gonna miss this place," she said.

T.K.'s eyes raked over the streaks of mold on the ceiling and the corners of the wall, all of which he now knew by heart. Mother and son looked back at each other, and shared a laugh as they adamantly shook their heads.


"Not really."


Joe made his long-awaited return to TV at the Royal Rumble pay-per-view, coming to aid of his Shield brethren against the Wyatt Family. Exchanging happy glances with Pam, Sasha's chest swelled with utmost pride when the crowd exploded as he came through the crowd for the first time in months. The fans had missed him and the feeling was very mutual. He moved around the ring like he'd never been gone. It was good to see the Shield as a trio again. Sasha could see the relief in Joe's eyes and how happy he was to be back there. It meant he would be away from her for long periods of time again, but it was what it was. After what he'd endured with his injury he deserved to be back out there again doing what he loved. After all, his passion for his work was one of the traits that made her fall in love with him.

She would never forget the smile that lit up his face when she told him of her decision to move her and the kids in with him; it was a true, full-blown, no holds barred grin that illuminated his gorgeous face and caused her heart to flip. That a guy of his age and level of freedom was so open to commitment was surprising. With all the traveling he did, at the stage he was in with his career and the love he had for what he did, nothing much else should have been important, certainly not an older woman and her two children. But Joe was different. Her man was special, and Sasha would have it no other way.


Surprisingly, the move went smoother than Sasha had expected. By the end of the following month she had broken her lease with the landlord – a portly, grumpy old man she was glad to see the back of – allowing her to carry out the move. They didn't take too much from their old apartment; they tossed out half of their stuff because they were invariably useless, and they managed to sell a few things though they didn't make much in return. Joe, being away for most of the transition period, hired a professional crew to clean out and spruce up the two spare rooms for T.K. and Mia, under Sasha's careful supervision. The few times he made it home, he assisted with the process as much as he could.

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