A Proper Thief

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Hook POV
"Everyone knows what they must do?" I whispered when we emerged from the Fields. Everyone nodded, "Alright then, Jane let's go," I continued. She and I would be freeing Jo while (Y/n) and Wendy were distracting the Indians. We hid behind a big tent that probably was being used as food storage, there was a signal to be given before we put the plan in motion. We just had to wait till half of the Indians were lured to the Fields and searching them, then (Y/n) and the City-girl would take over the watch with the guards who were standing out the tent now. So we waited.
"How long ago was the last time aunt (Y/n) was here?" Jane whispered suddenly. I eyed her uncertain, "21 years. Why?"
"I was just curious," she replied. I leaned against the tent wall and looked at her, "How old are you again?"
"I'm 15. Why?"
"Just curious," I answered. There was a loud chanting, I heard the Chief speaking and think I understood that activity had been spotted in the fields. The tribe started yelling and screaming hysterically. I don't think they're happy.
The yelling moved away so I assumed that they were going to the fields. Two people came our way, something was said and then a surprised gasped followed by a gurgling noise and the sheathing of a blade. Jane and I moved from behind the tent and saw two men lying face down on the ground with a pool of blood underneath their head. I glanced over at Jane and her face had gone white, Not used to dead people?
"Let's get on with it before the others come back," I mumbled and she nodded, still looking at the two corpses. We went inside and she gasped at the sight.

"Oh hello there, we weren't expecting you," Peter said simply. He was sitting in a chair with his legs crossed on the table, Joanne was bound to the pole in the middle of the tent with a gag to keep her from talking. She wasn't moving though, her eyes were closed and there was a trickle of dried blood coming out of her nose.
"Jamie!" He said with a big smile, "How was the tunnel, must have been fun. I couldn't do it, you blocked the passage for me." Not possible, how is it that he's everywhere?!
"What are you doing here?"
"Me? What are You doing here? I'm making sure my gift to Tiger-Lily doesn't get stolen or escapes," Peter said swaying his legs off the table and looking straigt at me.
"Sorry to dissapoint but that's exactly why I'm here," I sighed making an apologetic face.
"Go on, try," he mumbled with that typical grin. He drew his sword, I was reaching for mine when I rethought of my plan.
"I'm not even going to waste energy in fighting you," I muttered. Pan lowered his weapon and frowned, "Huh?"
I walked past him, and turned around to face him again, "Woaw, so much for protecting your gift."
"Hey! That's cheating," he gasped. I laughed, "No it's not, I walked past you and you didn't stop me." He lashed out at me with the sword which I stopped with my hook. I took my own knife and cut Jo's bonds, freeing her. She fell through her knees, luckily Jane was quickly beside her and dragged her away from Peter and me.
"You still have to cross me in order get out of this tent," he panted. Like that's difficult.
I took a step forward and stopped his blow with my hook. I disarmed him in a matter of seconds, I grabbed his arm and folded behind his back so that I wasn't facing him anymore.
"What the-"
I hooked my leg around his and made him fall face first. I held him in place by placing my knee on his back, "Okay, go," I said to Jane who was watching the scene with an open mouth and Jo resting against her legs. She seemed to snap back to reality and nodded, she dragged Jo out of the tent. I could hear (Y/n) and Wendy helping her.

Now they had to get out of the camp and we'd meet in the forest past the Fields. Peter was grunting and panting underneath my knee, what was I going to do with him? He wasn't part of the plan. He would talk.
If I kill him here there would be too much evidence it was us. I have to bring him somewhere else.
"I hate you," I mumbled when I gave Peter a smack on the head, knocking him out. I tied his legs and arms together with Jo's rope and swung him over my shoulder. When I popped my head out of the tent (Y/n) and Wendy and the two girls were already gone. I sneaked out with Peter hanging over my shoulder. Distant voices reached my ears, the Indians were back and I was running out of time. I turned around another tent away from the noises, I could see the Fields from where I was, the only problem was that in order to get there I would have to cross an open space. It was the only way out. So I made a run for it, but with Peter it went slower then I expected. I made it to the other side and into the Fields without being seen. I had to find a place to ditch him, where the animals of the Island could have him. That place was just outside of the Fields, by a tree. I tied Peter to the  first branch. He slowly opened his eyes, confused and not sure where he was. When his eyes met mine he was suddenly fully awake.
"Jamie?! What the hell!"
"Shut up," I said, finishing the knot behind his back.
"Why am I here, what are you do-" he stopped abruptly, "Where is Jo?"
"None of your concern," I replied. I stepped away from him and looked at him swinging before me.
"Let me go," he snapped.
"Oh I almost forgot," I mumbled while contemplating a hanging Peter, I stepped up to him again and gave him a second smack on the head, knocking him out again.
"That's better," I whispered, glad he wasn't speaking.
I left him hanging there and made my way to the others.

(Y/n) POV
Where was he? We got out of the camp 15 minutes before, he was the last one to get out. Jane had explained to us that Peter somehow showed up and slowed the plan. I was carrying Jo on my back, she was still sleeping, I suspected the Indians had given her something to sleep because her pulse was normal and beating.
"What's taking him so long?" Wendy asked, pulling out a feather that was still stuck in her hair.
"No idea but I don't like it," I said. We stopped by our meeting point and I lay Jo against the tree, we waited there. I tried to wake her up during our wait, "Jo? Joanne honey wake up." Wendy came back with the cloth that had gagged Jo, it was drenched with cold water and she pressed it against Jo's cheek.
She opened her eyes with a start and gasped, her sight flying everywhere.
"Shh, it's alright. Jo, we're here. You're fine," I breathed and stroke her head gently.
"Mom...oh my god mom," she whimpered and flew in my arms.
"I'm never leaving you again," I whispered. She drew back and looked over to Wendy and Jane behind me.
"Glad to have you back, girl," Jane chuckled.

"What are we doing here," Jo asked after a while. She had been awake for 10 minutes, we were still waiting for James.
"Hook is meeting us he-" Jane explained. She had not even finished her phrase when someone appeared from behind a tree.
"There you are," James sighed. I released a relieved breath, "Jane told us about Peter, what did you do?"
"I left him somewhere hanging unconscious, shouldn't bother us any time soon," he replied. I wasn't really reassured with the thought of having Peter hanging somewhere, but on the other hand it gave us freedom to go get Danny without him slowing us.
"Alright, let's go back," I mumbled. We left the tree and made our way back to the Jolly Roger.

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