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(Y/n) P.O.V.
"It's over Peter, you lost the game this time," I said trying to keep my voice steady. Joanne was back with us, we had brought Danny back to his mother. In short our quest was done.
"It is long from being over," Peter said tossing a sword towards me, "pick it up."
Is he serious?
"I said, pick it up!" Peter shouted. There were dark grey clouds forming behind him, a distant rumble. I had heard stories about Peter being connected to the Island and it's surroundings, which means his temper influenced the weather.
"Peter, calm down-"
"Calm down? You tell me to calm down? No one tells me what to do!" The rumble grew louder, I could even see tiny flashes of light.
"I tell you to calm down if you don't want to end up in a thunderstorm," I bit back.
"Oh, what is it (Y/n)? Afraid of a little rain?" His eyes had a mocking gleam. I'm not going to fight in a thunderstorm.
I turned around ready to leave but when I did I saw Peter again.
"How did y-"
"I told you to pick up the sword, now PICK IT UP!" That last bit was emphasised with the first lightning-bolt, the thunder came shortly after.
I sunk through my knees and picked up the sword.

"If it's a fight you want, then a fight you shall have," I murmured.
Peter had that grin again, he mocked a curtsy and stood in a fight position.
"Mom, you're not going to fight him," Jo said a bit warily.
"Wendy, bring the kids down. This is between Peter and me," I said without shifting my gaze from Peter.
"(Y/n) you-" she began.
"Just do it please, bring my daughter and you and your children to safety," I begged.
The next thing I heard were Wendy's footsteps and Jo saying: "No, no don't fight him! Mom, come with us!"

"It is absolutely disgusting how much she loves you and you her," Peter sighed. I narrowed my eyes, "She's my daughter you idiot, how could we not love each other?"
"She should never have been born," Peter hissed. I lost all my patience and attacked first, I thought of the times when we fought against the pirates and Indians when I was still a lost girl. I thought of the movements Hook used to practice during his many fights with a sting in my chest. Peter looked surprised when I almost cut in his side, he stepped forward narrowing the space between us. This was for them, I was doing this for James, I was doing this for Henry. Peter would die, on this mountain.
We were so close suddenly, the only thing between us were our swords clammed against each other.
"How did all of this start? How did we come to hate each other so much?" He whispered.
"You're still wondering that?" I panted back, "How about when I gave my life for you and you forgot about me." His gaze darkened and he pushed me over, I lost my balance and fell on my side. Gotta work on your balance, I heard James's voice in the back of my head.
"I'm not that bad," he panted. I wanted to get back up but he send me back down, kicking my sword out of my hand.
"I think I could be considered a good person, I gave you a place to live all those years, before you and Henry betrayed me. I let your daughter and nephew live," he continued while sinking through his knees and placing his foot on my arm. I grunted and panted, Peter loomed over me and took my face in his hand, "I could have fed the Spiders you know, I could have let the Indians do what the Pirates did to you to Joanne." I spit in his face after he said that.
Then he sighed, "You know, I'm going to miss your face. Anyway... say hello to Henry and Jamie for me, will you?" He let go of my chin and brought his sword up, ready to plunge it into my chest.
I'm sorry Joanne.
I closed my eyes, waiting for the stab, I'm so sorry James.
But it never happened.

"Get off her, now," a low voice said. couldn't be.
I opened my eyes and saw Peter rising, there was a dagger at his throat and a iron claw around the wrist that held the sword.
"Come on, faster than that," Hook urged. It couldn't be possible, I saw the Jolly blowing up. Yet here he was, standing behind Peter and threatening his life with a dagger.
"(Y/n), get up and go to your daughter and Wendy," he said. I jumped back to reality and moved quickly away from the two men. But I didn't want to leave him again.
You have no excuse this time, do what he says.
I was about to go on the path down but a lightning bolt flashed right in front of me, I fell over hitting my head on the ground and dove into an endless darkness.

Hook P.O.V.
Everything went white, there was a ringing in my ears. I tried to stand up but faltered. There was a dull thumping in the back of my head, I tried to get back up and this time I had my balance back. (Y/n) lay on her side where the bolt had struck, ", (Y/n) please."
I moved to her but then someone pushed me back to the ground.
I groaned when I collided with the rocky surface and turned my head to see Peter again, his eyes bursting with rage.
"YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD!" He screamed in my face and he clawed at my throat and closed his dirty fingers in it. I gasped for air and tried to pull his arms away. I turned my head back to (Y/n) but she was still laying on her side, I hoped she was still breathing. Eventually I got him off me by rolling over and pinning him to the ground, "Guess I'm a bad captain," I panted.

Peter roared and kicked me in the stomach. Once he was back up I picked up the sword Peter had thrown to (Y/n) and stood in position to attack, but Peter was quicker. He struck hard and fast, I moved back and closer to the edge of the mountain. I blocked one of his hard blows and pushed him away, back to the center and clawed at him with my hook.
I lifted my right arm ready to stab him with my hook when he suddenly eyed it and grabbed my wrist, before I knew what he was doing I felt the stab in my side. I howled in pain and looked down at the wound, my right arm was stuck in my left side.
"Looks like you caught yourself a codfish," Peter snickered.
I gritted my teeth and swung my sword at him, he wasn't good at blocking me so I hit him in the shoulder and across the chest. A red line was soaking through his shirt, but he didn't seem to care.

I grunted with pain and eyed the hook stuck in my side, if I retrieved it I would be bleeding to death.
Above us the thunderstorm raged on, flashes of white raced through the clouds and the thunder was loud in my ears. I eyed (Y/n) who was still on her side and did not move.
Please let her be okay.
"There's nothing you can do for her, she belongs to the Island. Like she always has, she belongs to me," Peter sneered.
"She belongs to no one!" I hissed as I crashed my blade against his, the sound of steel against steel filling the air. Peter smiled viciously with gleaming eyes, when we almost came nose to nose. I launched again at him and this time Peter nicked the sword from out of my hand. I stumbled back, unarmed.
"Well Well," Peter sang.
"No Peter, not fair. You have both hands and a sword already, give mine back," I bit out.
"Wouldn't it be sweet that your life ends with this blade stuck in your temple?" Peter chuckled.

That kid is sick in his head.
Peter didn't wait for my reaction he attacked again and this time with the two swords. slashing aggressively at me. I dodged every blow and managed to push him back with my foot. And then in a moment of weariness one of the swords plunged into my shoulder. I yelled in pain and fell to my knees, Peter didn't hesitate retrieving it.
"I would very much appreciate it if you cooperated in this fight, I mean I'm doing all the hard work here," he drawled, eyeing my hook still stuck in my side, the wound burning with pain in every movement I made. I looked at the boy, panting, my sword lay on the ground, "No, sorry, can't do."
The thunder rumbled louder and louder. Peter looked down at me with the biggest and most awful smile ever, he truly enjoyed seeing others in pain, whether it be mentally or physically.
"What is it Jamie? Tired of fighting already?"
You wish.

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