Go back home

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(Y/n) P.O.V.
I went inside the Cave, still struggling with my balance and my sight that turned blurry from time to time.
"Anyone here?" I asked, my voice echoing off the walls of the cave. After we woke up entangled in each others arms that morning I had made way for the Cave of the Lost Boys and James for the Tree where he would explain the situation to his crew and after that meet me with the three other girls at the Fairy Tree.
"Who's there?" a voice replied somewhere behind a rock, two seconds later three boys came into sight. Mouse, Nibs and Moony.
"(Y/n), I'm here to take you with us to the Other Place." The boys looked at each other, "What about Peter? Who knows maybe you're leading us into a trap," Moony said.
"Peter is dead." They all got the same shocked glance simultaneously, I felt a little bad.
"We want to take you to a family, people who'll take care of you and give you all the love you want."
"You mean I'll have a mother? That will tell me stories?" Nibs asked with a hopeful voice.
"Yes," I replied.
Mouse didn't look as if he would follow us, "I don't believe you about Peter. He cannot be dead."
"He got struck by a lightning bolt on the top of Fang, he brought his death upon himself," I explained.

"What's going on here?" another voice joined, "Yeah, what's going on?" It was the First and the Second twin, both dressed with matching animal skins and the same sandy hair.
"(Y/n) wants to take us with her to the Other Place, she wants to give us a family," Nibs explained eagerly. The Twins eyed me, "Really? And what of Peter?"
"He's dead," Mouse said, "that's what she pretends."
"I'm not pretending," I replied. The Second twin narrowed his eyes, studying the right marks on my throat, "Where did you get those?" I moved my hand up to cover the marks and swallowed, "I got hit by a lightning bolt.
"And how come you survived but Peter didn't?" Mouse sneered. I looked the boy dead in the eyes, "I didn't survive, Hook reanimated me."
"Wow! So you basically died and came back to life? That's so cool!" Nibs gasped, unable to hide his amazement. It wasn't as cool as you think it is.

"Maybe we should tell this to all the boys," First twin said, his brother nodded. I walked with them to their new cave and saw all the boys gathered around a glowing cristal. They all turned their heads once I entered the cave.
"Boys! We have a visitor," Moony called.
"Who is it?" Tootles asked with a small voice. "It's (Y/n), the Lost Girl," Slightly answered.
They still refer to me like that?

"She wants to take us with her to the Other Place and give us a family," Nibs said. Tootles eyes lit up and a big smile placed itself on his lips, "Really?" I nodded and returned the smile.
"But what about Peter?" Arty asked, "Yeah, he'll never let us go," Grey filled.
"Apparently he died," Mouse said with a grim tone. There was a loud gasp and every boy had a shocked expression, Pitch and Slightlys jaws dropped a little and Arty pressed his hand against his mouth.
"Peter is dead?" Arty whimpered.
"How? What happened?," Slightly asked with bewildered eyes. I took a deep breath but it hurt so I made a face and place my hand on the broken ribs.
Some of the boys casted me questioning glances.
"Peter got struck by lightning on top of Fang," I grunted while the pain stilled.

"And you? Those marks and the pain in your chest, how did it happen?" Tootles wanted to know.
"I got struck too," I sighed. The boy looked wide eyed at me, the others listened to what I had to tell. Eventually all the boys wanted to come with us, even Mouse wanted to follow his friends. We went back to the Fairy Tree where Hook, Joanne and Wendy and her children were waiting.
"They're coming with us," I said. Hook nodded and stretched out his hand with a brown satchel filled to the brim with a glowing golden powder.
I took it and sprinkled the boys with it, "Think of happy thoughts," I mumbled. The boys closed their eyes and rose into the air, I gave the purse back to Hook who sprinkled it over Jo and then Wendy, Jane and Danny. We were the last two to soar into the night air, there was a smile tugging at his lips and something thankful in his eyes.
"Let's go home," he whispered when he sprinkled the golden powder over my head, I repeated the action with him and took his hand in mine.

Our forehead touched and I felt my feet disconnecting with the ground.
We flew away from the Island, the forest became small, the mountains little more than hills. And so we soared into a starry night, the moon was nowhere to be seen. Then a loud thundering sound came from above us, I whirled my head around and saw the two huge lights of an airplane, I looked down at the boys and noticed their terror.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt you, we just have to fly a little lower!" I shouted above the thundering of the engines. The boys went lower and so did we, I turned my head to Hook who was still with his eyes locked on the airplane, "What the hell was that?" He gasped. I had to hold back my laughing, "That was an airplane, people use it to travel to places far away, like the US or South Africa or other places," I explained and let him process what he just had seen.

I checked regularly if everyone was following, soon enough I saw the distant lights of England, we still had to go over a good piece of land before arriving in London but it was already a start.
We were now flying over dark fields, after that we would have to go in the direction for the more populated places and like that continuing to London.
"I don't remember anything of this," I heard James whispered next to me.
"Do you know exactly how long you have been stuck on the Island?" I dared to ask.
"I used to count the days but like I said before, I stopped working with time since long  ago. All I know is that I've been stuck there for what felt like a century, I don't know," he sighed.

No wonder you don't recognise anything at all. I placed my hand upon his arm, "Don't worry, you'll learn quickly."
Finally we passed Cambridge, I recognised it because of the university grounds. And a bit further I saw them, the lights of London.

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