Hide and Seek

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Joanne P.O.V.

I had one job to do. Distract Peter while my mom and the Captain took Danny back.
Wendy and Jane were on the other side of the Cave to help as back up.
The cave was bigger than I thought, the huge stalagmites glittered in the moonlight and poked out everywhere. My footsteps echoed softly against the cave walls, I looked around trying to find him.
It couldn't be so difficult to find a flying boy. You can say that to Hook.
Then I heard something, a woosh.
And then another. He was here.
"What is a girl doing here?" I heard behind me. I turned around but saw no one. Where are you?
As if he could have heard my thoughts he answered from somewhere between the labyrinth of Stalagmites: "I'm here, come and find me."
The voice kept moving around me, "If you can find me I'll be the one seeking next round."
He loves games, I heard Hooks voice saying in the back of my head.
I moved around the rocks, "Cold," the voice said. I looked around and moved further.
"Freezing cold," he said again. What does he mean by that?
I moved back and eyed every corner or shadowy place.
"Warmer," the voice murmured.

He was giving me hints about where his hiding spot is. I kept walking and the voice continued saying "Warm", "Hot," until he said "Burning!" I turned around the corner and found a dark blond boy with green eyes. He  smiled brightly and had a playful look.
"Congratulations! You found me!"
He moved from behind the rock and gave me a hand, "I'm Peter, nice to meet you!"
I looked at him a little confused, "Erm, Hi. I'm Jo," I mumbled.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, I'm fine. Just always special to meet your childhood idols."
He chuckled, "You're not from around here."
"No, really you think so?" I said with a little sarcastic edge
He looked at me for a second and then smiled, "I like you, Jo."
"You barely know me," I replied.
"Well in the few moments that I've known you you where funny and playful," he said, "Want to play another game?"
I hesitated, would it be smart to play one more game? Yes you have to distract him. Bug is your priority.
"Sure!" I said eventually.
"Great I'll be the seeker this time, I give you to the count of 20,...1...2...3..."
I hurried away from him and went as far as possible from the center of the cave. A large tree root came from out of the cave wall and I decided to go and hide underneath it, there was also a big rock covering me from any sight.
"20! Ready or not, here I come!" I heard Peter shout.
It was silent for a moment and then I heard the wooshes again.
"You know you remind me of someone. Someone I haven't seen in a long time," he said.
After a long moment of silence he asked: "Want to know who?"
No one answered. I stayed hidden behind the large roots, waiting for a sign of his presence.

Mom and Hook must have passed the entry and were now looking for Henry.
It got really silent and I waited a little while.
"Found you!" Peter shouted. I let out a little yelp, he was hanging upside down from the roots.
"Nice hiding place though" he complimented.
Don't listen to his honeyed words, it's a scheme. My mom's voice echoed in my mind.
"Thanks," I said carefully.
"Want to play one more game?" he asked.
"Sounds good, I'll count this time," I answered. He gave me a big smile and flew away.
"1...2...3...20" I opened my eyes and started looking around for him. I looked behind the stalagmites and every crack in the cave-wall.
"Could you at least give me a hint? You know this place better than I do," I asked Peter.
"I'll just talk this once, Hide and Seek is a game about exploring," he sang.
I moved towards the sound of his voice, suddenly remembering the nightmare I had about him the night Bug got kidnapped.
I looked behind a rock and there he was curled up looking th opposite way of where I was.
I poked him and called: "Found you!"
He turned around and smiled, the most beautiful smile I had ever seen.
"You're really good at this game!" he praised.
I felt my cheeks turning warmer.

Then something in my eye-corner got my attention. I peeked up and saw my mother with Hook next to her, she shook her head and pointed to something on Hooks back.
Peter seemed to notice my relief because he was about to look behind him, but I grabbed his shoulders before he could.

"Peter! I-I have to tell you something!" I said.
Peter turned his head immediately back to me and smiled.
"What is it Jo?"
I dared to look back at my mom and Hook who were now slowly sneaking away.
Peter was waiting for my answer but again he must have seen my sly glance because again he tried to look behind him.
This time I did the first thing that came up to me, I cupped Peter's face in my hands and brought him closer to me to place my lips onto his before he could turn his head.
He flinched and didn't move at all after I pulled back. His eyes were wide and filled with an emotion I couldn't place.
"Peter?" I whispered after a little while.
"What was that?" he mouthed back.
"A kiss." I hadn't kissed anyone before him, and he looked as if it was his first kiss too.
"Did you like it?" I dared to ask.
"I think so," he whispered.
I waited a second and then moved my face closer to his, he did the same and then our lips collided. It was not what I had in mind as a first kiss, but I had to admit that I liked it too.
It was special, I was not supposed to like kissing him.

We drew back and looked into each others eyes. The green in his irises seemed to move, he had the most beautiful eyes I had ever seen.
No, it's a scheme. A trick to lure you into his trap.
"Want to play a game?" I asked under my breath eventually.
He grinned and nodded, "What about Tag," he said.
"I'm open for all suggestions," I said enthusiastically.
"Alright, tag! You're it!" he flew away and I ran after him.
When I looked back at where my mom was just moments ago there was no one to be seen.
What do I do now? I can't stay and play games forever.
Fortunately she came out of the splitting in the Cave-wall and signed that I had to get out.
I nodded and started to make my way back to the entry.
"Leaving so soon?" Peter's honeyed voice asked behind me.
I turned around to find him flying above the entry except that now his eyes were blazing with rage.

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