The Plan

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(Y/n) P.O.V.

Danny, adorable little Danny. It couldn't be a coincidence, a human shaped shadow figure. The son of former Neverland visitors. Peter was back and he wanted to play.
"How do we get him back?" Wendy asked. "We'd have to go back to the Island and search there," I said.
"Last time I checked they don't sell fairy dust in London," she mumbled. I thought for a second and then I looked over at the two bright stars we could see trough the window. "I think I have something that could help us." Wendy gave me a questioning look.
"We were able to leave the Island by flying away, I still have a little bit of the Fairydust. I kept it 'in case of'. We just have to follow the star, second to the right and straight on 'till morning," I explained.
Wendy didn't look really thrilled at the idea.
"You really think that you can go to Neverland while being an adult?" She asked. I nodded and looked back at the two stars.
"All it takes are happy thoughts. But we'll have to make the trip by night."
Wendy gave it a second and then nodded, "If you really think that this can work, I trust you."
I gave her a hug, "We'll get him back City-girl, I promise you that."

She answered my hug and sobbed, "You know what he does to the little ones who cannot follow him." I nodded, I had seen it happening myself. "But that will not happen to Danny," I said trying to keep my voice from trembling. I let go Wendy who fell into her husbands arms. I turned around to meet John.
"So it's him, he's back and he has Daniel?" He asked. I nodded, he had a devastated look in his grey eyes.
"But I'll get him back," I said.
"You're going back to that place?" He asked taking a step closer towards me.
"It's the only way to get Danny back," I replied.
"But I don't want to risk losing my nephew and the mother of my daughter," he struggled. I gave him a weak smile, and hugged him.
"I'll be back before you know it." Even though we got a divorce, John and I stayed good friends. We still cared about each other. He shook his head.
"No, if you're going then I'm going too. That boy needs a lesson. You don't burst into someone's room and steal their children," John said.
"And who would be taking care of Jo then? I don't know how long I'll be away, besides I know the Island better than you do," I replied.

Michael turned over and was looking a little lost. "What exactly happened?" He asked innocently.
"Danny has been kidnapped by Pan," John explained. Micheal got a shocked expression.
"Wait Pan as in 'Peter Pan'? The flying boy?" Edward asked a little confused, Wendy and I nodded. Michael's girlfriend had the same expression.
"Its a long story," Micheal said as he turned around and gave her little smile. I looked around to see if Joanne and Jane were still there, they were clutched to one another in their grandma's arms. I could only imagine how it must have been like, seeing you little brother and cousin getting ripped away by a shadow. And then learning it was actually flying boy. I heard Jane mumbling something to Joanne: "I thought, he was only a story."
"Apparently you were right, we are the real 'Darling' family," Joanne replied softly.
Poor girls.

Joanne P.O.V.
I sat there in my grandma's arms with my cousin next to me. Her brother was gone to a magical island with pirates, Indians and fairies. We should be the ones going to the Island to get him, after all, we had failed being a good big sister and cousin. I had one thing to do and I messed up. I just had to keep him safe and asleep until the sun came up. But no, I didn't wake up. I didn't realise the danger he was in. I wanted to save my little cousin. No one had the right to kidnap our Bug that way. I was going to find a way to get my cousin back. I gave Jane a sign that I had to tell her something and she nodded. We left our grandma sitting next to the fireplace and went a little further than the adults.
"What is it?" Jane asked.
"I want to get Danny back," I answered.
"Yeah that much I had already gathered," Jane said with a sigh.
"No you don't get it, I want to get my Bug back," I explained pointing at myself. Jane looked a bit confused. "You want to go on a deadly Island that you know nothing about, to find Daniel?" I nodded. "You're crazy," she mumbled and then there was a short moment of silence, "What's the plan?" She asked further.
"That's the thing, you're more the planny one, I'm more the one who gets the crazy ideas," I said.

Jane let out a sigh and sat down to think, "We know the way to get there, you have to follow the second star to the right."
"Question is how do we get there," I said. Jane zoned out for a second and she looked me dead in the eye. "We have to fly," she mumbled, "The only way to get to Neverland is by flying. Didn't you listen to the stories my mom told you?" I tried to remember the stories, it had been several years since I had stopped listening to them.

"And as we sprinkled the fairy dust over our heads, we thought of happy things. Soon we rose into the air and flew out of the window, we followed the flying boy who kept soaring higher. Beneath us we saw the city slowly getting smaller and smaller. Then there was a searing light, and the next moment a beautiful island emerged."

"We need fairy dust to fly," I said.
"Not necessarily, maybe we can make our own fairy dust," Jane mumbled, "I read this thing that if you believe hard enough in something and that you mix that with a happy thought, you could fly without the fairy dust, just with the power of your belief. I thought for a moment, "If we go, we have to go at night. No one in Kensington or Bloomsbury is awake at 3a.m." Jane nodded, "When do we leave?" She asked. "Tomorrow at 3 in the morning," I answered.

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