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(Y/n) P.O.V.

Where was she? Joanne should have come out ten minutes ago. I started to get worried, I wanted to get back inside and go look for her.
We had returned Danny to Wendy who started crying from happiness, Jane too but then she remembered Jo who was still in the Cave.
"I'm going back in, Jo needs help," I said.
"Hold on, I'm coming with you ," James offered.
"Thanks but this is my daughter I'm responsible for her," I replied.
"No argument possible, I'm coming with you," he said softly with a smile.
I have to say that it comforted me that he wanted to protect me from whatever dangers we might come across.

"Alright then, ladies first I guess" I said.
"Always," he said with a smile and a deep bow.
I entered back in the Cave shortly followed by the captain.
"Jo?" I asked, my voice echoing softly against the stalagmites. We walked further inside and after a few moments I saw shoeprints in the sand, and then Joanne's red jacket.
"No," I gasped as I took my daughter's jacket.
"Joanne!" I called, not caring if Peter or the Lost Boys could hear me.
"I was starting to wonder when you would come back," I heard a voice say somewhere above me.
"All these years that went by and not once did you come and visit."
"I'm not particularly fond of psychopathique kids who forget about others, tie people to their bed and kill their best friend," I replied.
"Oh, you're still not over that?" the voice asked with a sighed.
"No, I'm not over that," I sneered back.
I heard a soft thud behind me and looked over, he seemed older, but otherwise not really. He still had those flaming green eyes, dark-blond hair and that enchanting and at the same time horrible smile.

"Hello (Y/n)," he said with a cheery voice. He was alone so that meant he was keeping Jo somewhere hidden.
"Captain," he made a mocking curtsy in front of Hook and then looked back at me.
"You've changed, you're a real grown-up now," he almost spitted that word.
"You too," I said, knowing it would hurt him, "Now if you don't mind, I'm here for my daughter."
"Oh! So that's who she is, I thought she looked a lot like you, she's only a lot more fun than you were."
"Where is Joanne?" I asked irritated.
"That's her full name?"
"Stop turning around the pot! Where is my daughter?"
"Hold on let me get her for you." Peter flew away and came back a few seconds later with my sleeping Joanne in his arms. I wanted to take her out of his claws but stopped when I saw the way he eyed her.
"Here she is, she fell asleep," Peter simply said.
"Jo?" I asked, I took a step closer to Peter and took Jo over in my arms.
She slowly opened her eyes and smiled when she saw me, "Hey mom."

I looked back at where Peter was but he had disappeared. Jo stood up and looked around her as if she saw everything for the first time.
"Let's go outside before something else happens," I mumbled.
Hook helped me getting Jo outside and once we had stepped out in the sun I turned to her and loaded her with questions.
"What happened?", "Did he hurt you?", "Did he give you something to eat or drink?"...
"No mom, I'm fine," Jo said.
"Yeah, something in me is fearing the worst. How did you fall asleep?" Hook asked eventually.
"I-I don't recall falling asleep, he..." Jo's expression became horrific.
"What? What happened?" I asked her.
Jo found her breath back and looked me straight in the eyes.
"He knew I was trying to leave the Cave..."


"Leaving so soon?" He asked with a sweet voice
"No...I was looking for you," I lied.

"You saw me leaving in the other direction, you're lying," Peter's voice had a little edge on it.
"What are you going to do? I can leave if I want to," I said.
He chuckled darkly, "That's what you don't seem to understand about this place, I make the rules. No one is going anywhere without MY permission."
I thought af mom and the others waiting for me outside, they would start worrying soon.
"I'm leaving this place, you're boring," I said.
That seemed to be the thing I shouldn't have said because now his eyes were like a roaring green fire.
He landed and walked straight towards me but he just walked past me and kneeled next to a huge rock.
What was he doing, I didn't care and didn't lose the opportunity to make my leave.

But before I could exit the Cave he pulled me back and turned me around so that I was facing him, he leaned forward and kissed me.
I wanted to pull back but felt that lingering again, and there was something else...
It was sweet and soothing, his lips didn't taste like that before. And then I realised it, he was drugging me! He must have put something on his lips.
Jo! Joanne don't give in! He let go off me and wiped his lips with the back of his hand.
everything went blurry before me and I dropped throught my knees.
"Sleep well, Jo" was the last thing I heard before losing conscience.

(Y/n) P.O.V.

Jo was done explaining what she remembered, my thought went immediately back to what I had experienced myself, I dared to shot a glance at Hook.
"Mom, he drugged me. I couldn't fight it, he kept his lips on mine...I'm so sorry," she broke in sobs.
"Hush, it's alright, you're safe with us now. He won't be hurting you anymore," I soothed her.
"We should get moving if we want to go back to the ship, now that you have the boy and I the Hideout." Hook said.

The sun was on its way down when we left the mountains behind.
"I don't think we're going to get to the ship before the sun sets," Hook mumbled after a while.
"Than we should stop, I think we could all use a bit of rest," Wendy said.
"There's spot in the forest, we'll be safe there."
Hook brought us to the Tree, he was right it was the safest place in the forest.
"I'm going searching for stuff to eat, do you want to come along or do you prefer helping here?" I asked Jo.
"I'll come with you," she said.

We went a little further from the Tree and gathered all sorts of nuts and berries.
As I searched for more Hazel nuts I came across bright red berries with little orange dots  on it. Soothing berries.
"Jo, come over here for a second," I called.
"What is it?" she asked once she was next to me.
"Look, I think I've found your poison," I said pointing at the little berries.
She took a good look at it, "Can they grow in a cave?"
"I suppose so," I said.
"Well now I know what berries to use when I want to knock out someone."
I smiled but I could see that she was still uncomfortable with the thought.
"If you want to talk about it-"
"Not yet," she mumbled.

We went back to the Tree and saw the others preparing everything for the night. Wendy and Jane had gathered mushrooms that tasted like bread, Hook had said that a fire was too dangerous, if we wanted to remain hidden.
We ate the berries, the nuts and the bread-mushrooms.
I let my hand touch the surface of the Tree wall when I entered it.
The first place I had called home. All the memories came suddenly back to me, Henry and his wooden sword. Pitch who was always making jokes, Mouse who knew way too many pirate songs and then the Twins who always found a reason to fight. I settled on the ground with Jo next to me and fell asleep, that night I didn't dream.

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