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(Y/n) P.O.V.

I told Jo more about my life before London. She listened to every detail I mentioned, and kept quiet during my explanation. I left out the parts that she didn't need to know.
"And that's all," I finished.
"So you loved him when you left," Jo said softly, I nodded. She looked down at her feet, "Did you still love him when you were with dad?"
I didn't know how to answer that question. "Jo, he's not the reason why I left your father. I loved your father but we discovered that maybe we weren't meant to be," I said.
"And do you have that feeling with Hook? Do you think you could be with him?" She mumbled.
"If we get out of this place, alive," I murmured.
She turned and threw her arms around me, "How did you cover your hickeys?" She whispered in my ear. I laughed and then whispered back: "Clothes."
Jo drew back and her eyes were wide and her cheeks were red, I couldn't help but laugh harder.

After that we gathered around the helm. Hook had a placed a map on a small table. There was a big red circle drawn around one of the mountains.
"The plan is similar to the last one but this time we don't have to worry about anything that could start chasing us away," Hook began.
"We create a diversion long enough to take Danny and maybe even the Lost boys with us and take them from there straight to the Tree and then back the the Jolly," I continued.
"And you're sure that they'll come with us and that Peter won't send anything after you?" Wendy asked.
"The worst thing that could happen is him going to Fang, but even he is not that foolish," Hook said. He and I had talked about this plan this morning, except that I had lied to the girls about the cleaning wounds part.

(Y/n) Flashback
I woke up with a warm body against mine. He let his fingers wander over my skin, I slowly turned my head around to find him looking at me with half closed eyes.
"Morning," he had whispered.
"Morning," I whispered back. I let him do when he leaned down to kiss me, a tickling feeling grew in my neck and shoulders.
"We should talk about what we're going to do to get Danny back," I mumbled.
"You just never back down," he said with his lips still on the spot underneath my ear, "What did you have in mind?"
"The same as we did the first time but better, a longer diversion , maybe even take the Lost Boys in this one" I said.
"How do you plan on doing that?" He asked with a surprised undertone before continuing with kissing my shoulder.
"What kid doesn't dream of having parents? Someone who loves them no matter what they do. I can tell you that I always dreamed of that when I was still one of them," I explained.
"Maybe, it would be a good payback for Peter. He would grow up if no one is believing in him anymore," James said.
Now I turned around fully so that I was facing him.
"It would be the perfect payback, he despises adults, that's why we're going to make him turn into one."
He smiled, "How perfectly cruel."

I chuckled and placed a hand on his chest pushing him down on the mattress and moved my leg so that I was sitting in his lap.
"But what do you plan on doing for the diversion?" James asked while he was letting his eyes wander over my naked body.
"That's where your ideas could help us," I said.
He sat up right with me still on his lap, our bodies came close.
"I imagine that letting one of the girls be the diversion is not an option after what happened," he said.
"No, that's not an option indeed," I breathed.
"I could organise a fake raid and lure him outside of the cave," he suggested, I felt him tensing underneath me and heard how his breathing turned shallow. It wasn't a bad idea, if only Peter could go there without Danny, because I knew that Peter wouldn't let the boy alone anymore.
"We still have to find a way to get him to leave Danny inside," I said.
"Or someone could go inside the Cave already and pick him up there when he comes by with the others." That wasn't such a bad idea at all.
I moved up a little and when I came back down he came into me. His eyes were locked on me and we started moving, his mouth collided quickly with my neck again and moved from there to my breast. We moved faster, I moved my arms around him, careful not to touch his wound.
"You're sure you locked the door?" I asked.
"Yes," he answered. Then he moved and I fell over onto my back. He moved up between my legs and hung above me. He winced a second when he stretched his right arm but ignored the pain after that.
I hoped that no one from outside could hear what we said or did.
End flashback

"(Y/n)?" I heard someone ask, I looked up and saw Wendy who gave me a worried glance.
"Yeah? Did I miss anything?" I asked.
"Only the explanation about we're going to do the whole rescue thing. But you already knew the plan," Hook said with a gleam in his eyes.
I nodded quickly and shoved away the thoughts of this morning.

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