"God, you're gonna make me blush harder then I already am," she walks back into the stall to change out of it so we can buy it. We wait for her to change out of the dress in silence which doesn't take long.

She comes out with the dress hooked on her forearm, her clothes back on. We walk over to the counter, paying for the dress. It wasn't to badly priced but it wasn't cheap.

She puts the bag on her forearm to as we stride down the hall. "Guys," I stop them from moving.

"Yeah?" they stop too.

"I have a craving," I pout, smiles forming on their cheeks.

"God you are pregnant aren't you," Tay grins.

"No," I shake my head sarcastically.

"What is it?" El asks.

"Green tea,"

"Ew," Tay scrunches her nose up.

"Yeah, I thought the same," I shrug, walking into Chai Time. I get a large iced green tea with no ice, and because thee was only a few other people in there, I got it instantly. I drank it with hums of pleasement as we scouted the shops for dresses.

I had to go into another store to find a dress for the obvious. We went into a store, thinking we wouldn't have any luck until I actually found a maternity dress.

It was a white tight dress with a slit up the leg, a very low V-neckline that would make my boobs look great. Over the dress was white mesh lace that was a maternity wedding dress but no one has to know that.

I tried it on and it was a perfect fit. It made my bump stand out and my skin looked tanner with it on. I walked out with it on and with the same reaction as we saw with Taylor, they gasped and jumped up.

Taylor moved my hair around a bit so some was down my back and some was in front of my shoulders. "You look so good in that!" they gape.

"Are you sure?" I rub my bump over the materials.

"Yes!" they say at the same time.

I look at myself, turning around to see the same low V-cut at the back too. "Get it, you look so good,"

"Bloody milf over here," Tay encourages.

"I'm not a milf," I roll my eyes.

"Yes you are!" she snickers.

"I'm still not sure about it," I huff.

"Get it, please, I bet you Niall would go crazy," El nods.

"Is it to revealing?" I run my hand down my chest to cover it a bit.

"No, it's actually perfect," they nod.

I didn't really have much options, they were kinda limited. It didn't look that bad, it's definitely not as pretty as Taylor's dress though - and I was jealous of that.

"I wanna wear a dress like yours, but I won't fit," I cross my arms.

"You still look good in that, a pair of white or slivers heels and your necklace, you'd look like fire," she nods, "just get it, you look good trust me,"

"Okay," I sigh. I look at myself in the mirror, turning to the side so my stomach is on show. I fold my lips in a line and try not to think about how different my body had changed. I wasn't skinny anymore.

I never liked how I looked but I didn't care what people thought until I started dating Harrison where he told me I had to lose some weight and made me go on a diet. This was just being ing back memories. I never told Emma about this, I won't be - not even to Niall.

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