Chapter 18: The Palace of The Moon!

Start from the beginning

"Fair Maiden, Kiki are you too alright? said Helios."
Helios?, yes we are ok, have you found the others? said Kiki."
We shall look together please let's be careful said Helios."
they went to find the others on the moon."

"While Walking on the Room, They Found Mamaou who looked like Prince Endymion."
Mamo-Chan!? Said Chibi-Usa."
Chibi-Usa ran over to him., Prince Endymion recognized Chibi-Usa having the Memories of Mamaou Chiba."
Chibi-Usa your ok?, Helios, Kiki are you too alright as well? said Prince Endymion."

"Kiki said he was alright, but asked Endymion if he remembered what happened, Endymion said he didn't remember, how they ended up here, Gemini Saga and Taurus Aldebaran Appared."
It was a Athena who did this, Athena without her will, I used my attack "Another Dimension" too late before she was hit by that bracelet wearing Witch and she used that attack against us, I am guessing it took everyone and dropped them on different planets in the solar system with the other sailor guardians said Gemini Saga."

"Are they alright?, what about Usagi said Prince Endymion."
I can't really say, though I am sure they will be fine until we can all gather up, Those Bronze Saints are Stronger then there Ranks Among us Saints once they figure out how to get here they will come, for us we should look for anyone else on the moon, my suggestion is that, the girl Usagi who is the Recarnation of Princess Serenity is no doubt on the moon, same goes for Mamoru Chiba here said Taurus Aldebaran."
I am actually Prince Endymion Right now said Prince Endymion, he was embarrassed."

"Helios was Looking at Something and Kiki asked what was wrong."
Do you see that?, it's the moon castle the way as it used to be! said Helios."
Wasn't it all but Ruins, from the last time? said Gemini Saga."
Whatever is going on, I feel Usagi is in there, we should go there and find her said Prince Endymion."
Mamo-Chan, is right said Chibi-Usa."
they agreed to head to the Silver Millennium Castle." as they Entered inside it was very quiet and Dark."

"Prince Endymion Called out."
Hello?, Usagi?, serenity? are you here? said Prince Endymion."
We didn't mean to barrage in, we are looking for Usagi Tsukino she's Your princess If Anyone can hear us? said Taurus Aldebaran."
they went heard a voice.
It was from Queen Serenity." I can't hold them..... they are after him Beacuse of the Silver Crystal's powers please come find us don't be spotted by the other one's they will kill you! said Queen Serenity's Voice."

"That was Queen Serenity's Voice!?, my grandmother!?, but isn't she supposed to be Dead? her mind was in a Hologram? Said Chibi-Usa."
Whatever is going on, She sounds to be in some trouble, we should locate her and see that's she's alright, but who are the "Other ones" she's talking about could it be the other Saints and Sailor Guardians? Said Gemini Saga."
I doubt she means the Saints and Sailor Guardians?, why would they attack us?, whoever the "Other one's" are they may be unknown Enemies that are lurking in the Castle, we should be careful to who they are or what tricks they may pull on us said Helios."

"They Walked Though the Dark Hallway of the Castle, Prince Endymion said it made him remember of the Dark Kingdom's Hallways with it's Creepy Feeling."
The Place is Giving me Erie vibes of the Dark Kingdom right now? said Prince Endymion."
they then heard Footsteps walking up getting louder, thinking it could have been the other one's that Queen Serenity's Voice told them to watch out of her so they got ready to defend themselves."

"Chibi-Usa got out her Pink Moon Rod, and as the One they heard there footsteps come from the corner, Chibi-Usa used her attack."
Pink Sugar Heart Attack! said Chibi-Usa."
the Person coming from the Corner was Actually Cancer Deathmask who got hit by Chibi-Usa's attack, it didn't hurt him or caught him by surprise it just.... Annoyed him. "

"Oh False alarm it's just Deathmask? said Taurus Aldebaran."
Is?....that really all that attack if her's can do? said Gemini Saga."
he was disappointed by it."

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