"You can get there in a day, have the wedding and get home early the next morning, if your rich ass can't pay, I will,"

"I can pay, but it's-"


"I'll ask Abby," I sigh. "I'll call you back,"

"Okay," we're the last things said before I hung up.

"What's wrong?"

"My brother got engaged with a girl called Denise, they're getting married in a few weeks and he asked me to be his best man ages ago but I got so distracted with everything going on that I forgot I had agreed and now he wants me to go...to Ireland with you,"

"With me?"

"Yeah, he said you can be my plus one," I nod, her eyes widening.

"Thats means we'd have to get a plane there right? where is it?"

"Near Mullingar, our home town," I crack my knuckles.

"When is it,"

"I'm a few weeks, 2?"

"That's not enough time to plan everything," she panics.

"We just need to be there for the whole thing, we can spend the night in a hotel and leave first thing in the morning, I can change the time of the show if it becomes a hassle,"

"You need to wear something nice and so do I,"

"We can find you a dress,"

"I'm sorry, have you got a huge stomach?" she rubs her bump that had definitely gotten bigger over night.

"The one you wore to the show the other night, that was a perfect dress,"

"Yeah totally got you off, didn't it?" she huffs, crossing her arms over her bulging stomach. I stay quiet, biting my lip before I say something. "Okay, fuck - I didn't mean that," she shakes her head. "I'm sorry, blame them not me,"

"It's fine," I chuckle. "It won't be hard to find another dress babe," I sigh. "We can talk about this another time though, just give it a thought because even if you don't go, I have to,"

"I'll go, I wanna meet your family," she smiles. "I'm sure I'll find another dress,"

"I'm sure you will too," I shake my head with a smile.

"Now can we go to sleep?" she whines, missing her midday nap. I nod, watching her get under the covers while waiting for me to crawl in behind her. I wrap my arm around her stomach while the other one goes under her neck, lightly wrapping my arm around her neck so she's locked into place.

She nuzzles her head into my arm and curls her knees up to her stomach, her hands in fists near her chest. We curl up in a ball as we slowly drift off into our much needed sleep.

Zayn Malik
"Do you wanna get a drink?"

"Zayn - it's not even evening yet," Liam looks at his phone.

"I know but I'm bored," I whine.

I just know Abby and Niall were asleep for Abbys midday nap. I saw Eleanor and Louis go out but I don't know what happened to Taylor and Harry, I just know that they're dating now.

I heard them making out on the bus, trying to be quiet about it but failed. I also knew Abby was awake from her whisper giggles, then I went on Niall's instagram and saw she spammed his story so it made sense.

Liam and I have been very...awkward since...you know. I brought that girl from the bar to take my mind off it and get myself off because I felt the need to - he did too.

Harry and Louis haven't said a word to each other since they broke up and it was shocking honestly. They went from fucking every night to not a single word.

"Me too, the show doesn't start until 7," he whines too.

"Do you wanna go to Starbucks?"

"Okay sure, Zania," he sneers.

"Now wait, they have good coffee!" I object in a shout.

"What are you a girl?" he cackles.

"I know you've had it before!" I point.

"Yeah, but I was with Harry, Harrys gay so it's fine!"

"He's not gay anymore, he's dating Taylor,"

"No he's not, stop fucking with me!"

"I'm not, I heard them whispering and then they were making out on the bus, and I know what happened because I was in the bunk above them,"

"No way, really!"

"Mhm," I nod.

"Fuck, Styles not so gay anymore," he laughs which I just have to join in on.

The door was ripped wide open with Abby half asleep, her hair a mess and her eyes puffy. "Can you please...shut up?!" she throws her hand out, slapping it on her thigh. "I'm trying to sleep!"

"Alright Abby, chill," I hold my hand up.

"I'll give you a chill in a minute if you don't fucking shut up," she threats my eyes widening.

"What has gotten into you?"

"I wish it were Niall, but he's already been there and added these," she points to her stomach.

"Holy fuck, that has grown in a day," Liam gapes.

"Yeah, so shut up!" she slams the door but I don't think she meant to.

"Alrighty, let the cranky bitch sleep," I huff. The door opens again and I meet with her tired eyes again.

"What did you just say?"

"God, what has Niall done to you?" I widen my eyes.
"Impregnated you with demons?"

"Zayn!" Liam whacks me when he sees her face fall, my stomach turning. Nice one, Zayn.

"I'm sorry?" she narrows her eyes into me. "Did you just call my babies demons?"

"N-No," I instantly shake my head.

"Yes, he fucking did Abby," Liam crosses his arms, I swat him now.

"Thank you Liam," she smiles, stepping in the room. "If you want to call my babies demons one more time, say it to them first because I will absolutely murder you, if you don't believe me, keep going and Ill show you. Shut the fuck up and never call my babies demons ever again, got it?"

I nod excessively.

"Good," she huffs, spinning around and walking back into her room.

"L-Liam," I whisper.

He cups his mouth to keep his laugher to a minimum. "Why would you say that?!" I slap him.

"Ow," he rubs his chest where I hit him.

"I hate you," I stick the finger up.

lil bit of ziam and abby loosing her pregnancy shit. *sigh*

as i said <3 wedding <3

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