I felt Eimi still shaking in my arms and I hugged her tighter.

"How can I help you?" I asked myself out loud, my stress not helping me figure out a way to calm her.

"How is it that you normally calm her down?" Yaoyorozu asked as she held her arm forward to block a person from running into us. I looked down for a second before it hit me. Eimi and I both have a habit of kissing each other's forehead whenever we are troubled, why didn't I think of it sooner!

We moved off to the side of the road by a building before sitting down on the ground. Eimi also responds well when I cradle her so I kissed her forehead before rocking her back and forth softly. Yaoyorozu kept watch for policemen or others that could know us while I continued to hug my sister softly.

I found myself saying words of comfort to her even though she had the noise-canceling headphones on. It was then that Yaoyorozu turned back to me with a worried face.

"I see some policemen, we have to get going."

I nodded my head as I stood up, fixing my hold on Eimi, before walking into the crown with Yaoyorozu. We continued to walk for a few more minutes before I felt small hands grab the front of my shirt. My eyes widened before I looked down to see Eimi crying while holding onto me.

"Sh-shoto..." She whimpered softly before I found myself whipping off the headphones and holding her even closer to me.

"Thank god, you're back." I said to her before she started to hiccup and sniffle into my shirt.

It was then that I remembered what she could have possibly been imagining in her mind and started to calm her down.

"None of what you were imagining is true. I'm here and safe, mom is still doing alright, our classmates are all being taken care of, Dokami is still recovering and gaining strength, everyone is okay, you are okay. Don't fret, you're okay."

"sho..." She quietly said again and I rubbed her head gently.

"It's okay, I got you."

She continued to whimper my name over and over, with me telling her it was okay every time she did so. Yaoyorozu smiled at Eimi regaining herself once again and being back with us. After some time we found ourselves watching the screen and how All Might turned into this frail-looking man. Everyone around us yelled to the screen, aiming to get their hopes to the hero. I joined in, though not as loud as I would have done if it weren't for Eimi still sobbing on my shoulder.

It wasn't soon after All Might's final punch that we were reunited with the others.

"Todoroki! Yaoyorozu! Over here!" Kirishima called out to us while Iida, Izuku, and Bakugo followed behind him. Izuku's face looked a little red and his eyes puffy, I'll have to ask him about that later. We all met up in one spot before starting to break down what happened. Though Bakugo only looked in one direction and that was at me, or more Eimi, who was still crying her heart out and saying my name.

His eyes went soft as soon as he saw her crying, probably because the last time he looked into her eyes all he saw in them was terror. 

"I'm glad you're okay, Bakugo." I said to him as the others nodded in agreement. 

"Of course I'd be fine! I'm stronger than all of you combined!" He yelled but I could tell that he was shaken up from the whole thing. You could also tell that he was very much worried about Eimi's state.

We would've been able to clear things up more if it weren't for the police finding us and requesting that they take Bakugo and Eimi for questioning and to ensure that nothing happened to them physically. As soon as they said that I held onto Eimi a bit tighter. She has calmed down a bit from how she was before, she was no longer whimpering my name, but she was still sobbing into my shoulder.

I looked to Izuku and he looked at me, then back to the police officers.

"Um, would Todoroki-" He was cut off by Bakugo walking over to me.

"I'll take her, she should be fine now that she's not in that nightmare state." He talked calmly like there was something deep in his mind he couldn't figure out. I hesitated before trying to hand her over and as I expected, she latched onto me and cried out.


Before I could say anything to calm her down, Bakugo placed his hand over her eyes while then motioning for me to try again. I did as he conveyed and to my surprise, it worked. Eimi hesitantly let go of me before grabbing onto Bakugo instead. My heart felt a little sad that Eimi was able to let go so easily, but Bakugo must know of ways to calm her down as well since he has been around her longer than I have, as wrong as that feels.

"Wait!" Yaoyorozu called out to them before they got into the car. "Please give this to Eimi when she feels better." She handed Bakugo a covered item and he nodded as he got into the police car.

After they drove away, I turned to Yaoyorozu with a confused expression.

"What did you give her?" I asked as she smiled.

"Just something to make her calm without you."

Eimi's POV

I don't recall much after All For One lifted me in the air. All I know is that everything I saw from there on was fake and all in my head. Shoto said so many times after I came to and found myself in his arms, wrapped in a super soft blanket. I didn't want to let go of him, everything in my mind was going a million miles per second and somehow everything was circling around him. All that I saw was happening to him. There was nothing I could do to stop it, nothing I said or did could prevent whatever I saw during those nightmares.

And on top of that, there were also many parts where the rest of those I loved were there, and I also couldn't save them. Touya, Katsuki, Dokami and the rest. Even Dad was seen but not for long as he was taken out quickly. But for the rest of them, everything was so slow for them. I couldn't take what I was seeing but it all seemed to vanish when someone put their hand over my eyes.

I knew who that hand belonged to as soon as I felt it. It was Katsuki's. Not only could I tell by its warmth, but he also lightly activated his quirk, which gave off his soothing caramel smell that always calms me down. I loved that smell. I always have, and I needed more of it. No, I wanted it.

I hugged Katsuki as we were brought to a car. He was given an object before going into the car. I could feel the car starting to move and I looked down at my hands as I sat still.

"Here." Katsuki said from behind me and I looked to the side. He gave me the object and I stared at it before uncovering it. As soon as I saw it my eyes watered some more and I held it close. I knew it wasn't the real thing but it still meant a lot for Momo to have made this for me. It was a replica of the first plushie that Shoto gave me after we visited mom. The plushie was a small orange cat with bright blue eyes.

I snuggled into Katsuki's arms and closed my eyes. 

"Are you okay?" Katsuki asked and I shook my head as I buried my face deeper into his shoulder.

"I just want everything to go away right now." I mumbled as I tried to stay awake, my energy leaving my body all at once.

"Then go to sleep, I'll be right here when you wake up."

I nodded my head before the world around me faded to black.

A/N. I'm not dead yall! I'm so sorry for my long absence, to tell you the truth, I got a PS4 then downloaded Genshin Impact and I've been playing it every day lol. I decided that I should update today and looked at when I last updated and realized it had been two months, oopies.

But to spice things up, who's your favourite Genshin character (If you play), mine's Albedo. And I may or may not have spent money and he is now C6. When I just wanted to get Diluc and I got a C1 Keqing and C0 Mona. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 14, 2021 ⏰

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