Chapter 11 - Danger on the Express

Start from the beginning

"The crumple-horned snorkack. It's a creature that nobody has ever seen, though daddy and I are sure we will someday."

Harry blinked again.

"A creature nobody has ever seen? I suppose you don't know what it looks like then?" He asked, seeing Hermione's frown from the corner of his eyes.

"No, but I know that we'll recognize it when we see it." lua gushed and Harry grinned.

"Well in that case I really hope you find it someday. The day when we can say that we know everything will be a sad day indeed." He said, drawing confused stares from Ron and Hermione while Luna beamed at him.

"Have you met my daddy before?" Luna asked, her eyes shining.

"No, I don't think so, why?" Harry replied, cocking his head.

"Because daddy says that all the time." She gushed.


A few hours later, Harry and Luna sat in their compartment. Ron and Hermione had left for a prefect meeting an hour before and Harry was glad he had dodged it, though surprised that Ron got the position.

Luna had latched onto Harry as a captive listener and he was sure that most of the creatures she gushed about he'd never heard of, nor had Godric after Harry asked him.

As much as he enjoyed being with the rather odd girl, his head was hurting as he tried to keep up with the conversation.

It was around half way through their journey when the train slowed down, the brakes screeching as the train crossed the long bridge, leaving a sheer drop on both sides.

After the train stopped Harry looked outside, the sun was just starting to drop behind the mountains in the distance. He closed his eyes and focussed his magic sensing ability, finding Luna's magic to be a calm blue, giving off waves of happiness mixed with anxiety opposed to her earlier sadness.

He reached further with his senses and felt an unpleasant presence on the roof of the train.

Harry turned off his magic sense and looked at Luna with what he hoped was a calming smile.

"Can you stay in this compartment, no matter what?" She nodded.

"Can you cast a child charm?" She shook her head.

"A stunner?" Another shake of her head.

"Disarming hex?" This time got a hesitant nod.

"Okay, so stay here, if anyone comes into this compartment, hit them, what the disarming hex, okay?" He asked, she nodded with wide eyes.

"It will be ok Luna, I will stop the bad guys from whatever they're planning." He gave a soft grin.

"Just stay here and you'll be fine. I'll be back soon." Harry could see the fear in the girl's eyes and brushed a strand of blonde hair from her eyes before giving her another smile.

Then he turned and sent a patronus message to Dumbledore, Remus had shown him the trick earlier in the summer. The memory of Sirius sending his dog patronus to wake up Harry a few mornings in a row by screaming at him with his godfather's voice brought a small smile to his face.

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