Start from the beginning

Callisto pointed at him excitedly and rushed to the board, grabbing a piece of white chalk.

"So, check this out." She started, drawing a stick figure and a wobbly crescent. "This is the werewolf, and this is the moon."

Horace tilted his head, unable to hide his amusement, "He has his mother's eyes."

"Hilarious." She rolled her eyes. "I checked the astronomy section and it turns out that every full moon is different in power. It's more complicated than that, but that's the main idea. So, I calculated the power of each moon for the last ten years, and it's always one of the three values." She wrote down three numbers, circling the middle one and pointing at it with the chalk. "This is the biggest out of all. If you take it and check the height and the weight of the werewolf, you get accurate information about anything related to a werewolf's transformation. Let's assume that Mr. Werewolf over here is around 80 kg and 1.87 meters tall."

"Rather tall gentleman."

"It's the hormones, apparently." Callisto commented. "And we take the moon thing I told you earlier and then we modify the wolfsbane, the lavender and the lizard tails according to those measurements. But now, I know what you're thinking: Isn't this a bit too personal?"

"One does wonder, indeed."

"This is why we have Galanthus nivalis." Callisto excitedly remarked. "And what is that known for?"

"Stabilizing effects, particularly in potions that contain-"

"ACONITE LEAVES AND DRAGON TEARS!" They finished together. There was a bright smile full of satisfaction on Callisto's lips, the first she had let out in days. Slughorn seemed to be having some form of crisis, because he kept on opening and closing his mouth, unable to formulate proper words.

"The funny part is that the trick of the potion is to use Aguamenti for the water." Callisto finished, shrugging. "What do you think?"

"Brilliant." The man finally choked out, slow clapping. "Absolutely brilliant, Callisto."

"It's not a cure, but it could make things better." Callisto clarified. "It should relieve some of the pain during the transformation and it should make the werewolf think like a human even in wolf form."

"How much time does it take to brew it?"

"Around a month." The girl admitted, sighing. "I could probably brew it faster by adding ginger and maybe some belladonna, but I'd rather make a slow batch first and see from there."

"It's a complicated potion." The wizard admitted. "But, I think it could work, Callisto. Just brew the first batch so we send it for approval to the ministry, and let's hope they pass it."

The girl nodded, turning back to cutting the rat tails.

"Madame Pomfrey told me you've been having some trouble lately." Slughorn said, making Callisto frown. He was supposed to be smooth, but he hadn't succeeded. "Is everything okay, Callisto?"

"I've just been busy."

"Well, yes, brewing all of Goyle's potions for him must be taking some time." Slughorn remarked, letting out a laugh as Callisto's head shot up.
"I know my students, Callisto. There's no way Mr. Goyle could have made such a potent potion. Poor boy can't even distinguish midnight blue and navy blue, much less make a potion of that color."

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