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On the other end of the room was Xander. He was making all the calls he could. Trying hard to get any information about the whereabouts of his best friend- Keeping himself busy so he doesn't have to brood. He was worried as hell and ironically, the only person who makes him feel better when he's going through this kind of moment is the one for whom he was so worried. He couldn't understand where he was or why he had to go to DC at all. The only thing he knew was that Zac had been acting weird the past couple of weeks.

Like last week, when they were supposed to sign the final document to seal their relations with their new partners for their upcoming project, Zac said that he had to be somewhere with his wife which Xander soon found out was a lie because when he got home, he met Claire and Nichole playing with their babies, with Zac nowhere in sight.

He couldn't help but wonder if Zac was in some kinda trouble. He tried asking him about it but Zac shrugged it off and that was when Xander also thought it wasn't such a big deal but now, he wasn't sure anymore.

Whatever it is, they are gonna handle it together as long as he's fine. He couldn't imagine not seeing his best friend again.

Despite being all grown, and having families of their own, they could never stop needing each other. Their friendship had only gotten even stronger after they married two besties who were practically family just like them, and it seems that it was starting to rub off on their kids too.

Just like Zac and Xander are always there for each other, he witnessed their kids do the same for each other when they went to the park last week. And as much as he was loving that, he still needed his best friend to have his back too. He has been doing so for a long time and now, he is so used to him. He knows he's a man and expected to be strong but Zac was like his other half. Also, he couldn't train those two heathens without Zac. "What do you have?" He asks the person on the line and goes outside to continue the conversation.


And it's been nearly six hours since Zac was officially declared missing. Precisely five hours, forty-six minutes, and thirteen seconds since the media confirmed the same. They still weren't getting any helpful information. No one had any idea where he is. Xander was standing outside the main door talking on the phone where Nichole soon joins him. Once he was through with the call, he turns to face his wife.


"Hey. Is there any news?"

"I'm afraid not. They still can't say for certain where they are but they did not find any body at the crash site which must mean they must have either gotten off somehow or landed elsewhere due to the impact of the crash." Nichole sighed heavily.


"How's Claire?"

"Not good. She's refused to eat dinner. She's so worried."


"And you, baby? How are you?" She held her husband's face.

"I'm alright."


"I'm good. Just go take care of Claire." He says to her. She nods and goes back inside to meet Claire. Once inside, Claire hurriedly walks up to her.

"Zac..?" Nichole, sad to be disappointing herself, was about to reply in the negative when she heard her best friend call his name again, this time with happiness.

"Zac." She calls and rushes to him as far as she could. She cries when she saw him. Relieved, she practically jumped on him and planted kisses over his face, then hugs him tightly. "Oh my God... Oh my God." She kept her arms around him crying.


"I was so scared." She sobs hard and uncontrollably.

Tears are funny things, aren't they? We shed them when we are sad and even when we are happy.

"Shh...I'm here now."

Zac whispered soothing words to his wife...trying to get her to calm down..and when she finally did, he helped her sit. She held onto his hands tightly, still not believing her luck. He was back.

He came back. He didn't break his promise. The last time someone made that promise to her, it all got broken right in front of her eyes and she couldn't do anything.

"I'm so glad you're ok, Zac. We missed you." Nichole was really happy that he was ok. He means so much to everyone.

Smiling, Zac replies, "Thanks, Nicky. I'm glad to be back home too." Then he plants a kiss on Claire's hands which are held on tight to his.

Although there was alot of questions on Xander's mind, especially what he discovered only moments ago, as he stared at his best friend, he knew this wasn't the time. He needed rest and to take care of his wife. He was back and that was all that matters at this moment. He smiled as he watched Zac stare at Claire with affection in his eyes.


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