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Chapter 19


I couldn't stop the smile that graced my lips as I shut the door behind me, with a confused Claire looking on. I could literally feel my heart in my stomach.  It's a crazy feeling. Makes me feel younger than my age.  Oh Claire!

I remember the first time I met Claire. It was at Xander's house, we had to meet to plan Xander's wedding. The marriage was a sham but Xander wanted everything done right.

Anyways, I was gonna be Xander's best man at the time and Claire, Nichole's maid of honor so we all had to meet regards to every arrangement on our part from the outfits, dance to other little stuffs. Although it was fake, Xander wanted it done right. 

I remember Claire getting so irritated with me and my uncommon ideas. She even expressed it. One quality of hers that I got so familiar with over time is that when she's really irritated, she speaks up. 

She could be quiet but she got her way with words when she really wants to use them. That day after the meeting with the groom and bride to be, Xander requested me to drop her home because it was quite late by the time we finished the discussion, however, she bluntly refused telling me to my face she'd rather walk than go home with me. To be honest, I was annoyed with how she was behaving around me. She had barely known me for hours and she already hated my guts. It sort of hurt my man ego. 

I mean...not trying to feel myself, but back then,I've always had my way with women...and no, I don't mean that in the sexual way, just that people love me. They love my face and personality generally but with Claire, it was different.  

    She was...totally against me and did everything to let me see that. To be honest, at a point, I did get fed up of her attitude and so I stayed clear of her as much as I could.

But then, there was a day when there were a lot of press in front of their house and she couldn't get in the house. She was panicking, and Nichole called me over to help. That was the first time I looked at Claire definitely. She was so scared and vulnerable..and she seemed the most normal to me...That day, when I told her to trust me and she nodded in agreement, I felt good knowing that she considered me a friendly face when she was going through such a rough time.  Then, she fainted in my arms. That day was the first time I looked at her differently.

   During Xander's bachelor's eve for his second wedding, I saw another side to her that I never imagined. I literally couldn't take my eyes off her that night.  She was looking so stunning in the black dress she had on.

That night was the first time we had a conversation. Through our conversations, I realised how different yet alike our perceptions are. It opened me up to how smart and really open minded she really was.I stayed around her all night, trying to engage her in more conversation and or games.  And after she got completely to her wasted due to a game we played, I decided to help her room.  She was so drunk that night and was super funny too. I remember us debating which room was hers for minutes before she finally showed me her key card. 

I helped her enter her room and was about helping her lay on the bed but then I tripped accidentally causing her to fall on me. Trust me, you don't wanna be in such a situation, I felt so hot as her hands unconsciously grabbed my torso. And her breathing against my neck didn't help matters either. She already looked super attractive to me that night and so having so close only increased the urge to take her in my arms so I did try to kiss her, but she looks away. My kiss thereby landed on her cheeks. 

I was disappointed but tried not to show it, and when I said my goodbyes, she asked me if I wasn't gonna kiss her goodnight..and before I knew it, we were kissing so hard. 

She was the drunk one and not me...still, I didn't stop either of us. It just felt right in so many odd ways. It was like I wanted to forget my sense of control by blaming it on the alcohol but I knew it..i knew that I wasn'treally drunk. I remembered every detail of the very intimate night we had. It wasn't something that happened in minutes...we had sex severally and each time we did, it became more and more addicting.  I couldn't believe her and my energy.


After that night, it was so hard getting her off my mind. I suddenly felt the need to just be with her but then to my disappointment, she avoided me like a plague at the wedding. Then, Nichole getting shot happened, and there just wasn't any chance to talk about it anymore because barely an hour after I left the hospital that night, I got a call from my dad...that my mom was really sick , so naturally, I left everything and took the next available flight to Europe. 

And after getting there, I realised that my mom was really gonna need me so I couldn't go back as soon as I had hoped so I focused on helping my mom get better but the whole time, I couldn't get Claire out of my mind. I was confused as to why as I kept feeling the need to tell her how that night meant to me. 

Then I dawned it on me - I was in love with Claire. Yes, I admit that I was in love with Claire but back then, the realization didn't help, it only made me yearn to see her so much more than before. I didn't ask for her telephone number while I talked to Xander and Nichole because I didn't want them to know anything until I talked to her about it. I wanted to talk about it about it all 'face to face' but then, when I finally got back to New York with the excitement of telling her how I truly felt, I found out that she had moved and it was like someone splashed cold water over me. 

  I was really hurt. The more annoying thing was that before she left, she clearly told Nichole and Xander that she didn't want anyone to come for her. Something about starting life afresh.  She just promised she'll be back. I was so annoyed that she didn't wait for me to come back. 

  At first, it wasn't so bad. I tried to convince myself that 'we' weren't just supposed to happen but it was so hard getting her off my mind, so, I devoted all my time to work instead and without realizing it, I lost my social life. I became a workaholic,and unintentionally, made everyone worry for me. 

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