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Chapter 16


"Yea. I'm so glad you're here. Thank you for everything, Tyler."

"Anything for you,Claire." He beamed at me. Tyler is my friend and a great writer. He's been quite helpful to Ryan and I especially back in Ontario.

Like the few times I had to go somewhere, he took care of Ryan in my absence, made his meals and helped with his assignments. We became friends when I was still about four months pregnant with Ryan. I had passed out on the streets one really sunny afternoon when I had gone to buy some toiletries. He found and took care of me. Coincidentally, he just so happen to be my new neighbour who had,at the time, just moved to the house opposite mine.

I admit that it took time to fully trust him but he really proved himself to be an amazing and reliable being every given chance. From then on, he just became family. He helped me alot and was there by my side when Ryan was born. Afterwards, he asked me about Ryan's father and when I didn't give any answer, he said that he understood and would never asked me again. 

But one day, I did tell him everything. He tried to understand and as expected, he thought it was a mistake not knowing Zac's opinion. And couple weeks back, when we got talking, I told him about my marriage to Zac, he wasn't the happiest person but he understood that I have to do what's best for my kid.

Few weeks ago when I decided that I wanted to start working again, I informed him of my decision and he instantly offered to come over to help me set up like old times. I'd say I was suprised but he is Tyler afterall. Always nice and ever attentive.

"So when is Ryan getting back? I've missed my boy so much."

"Oh..he misses you too. He was so exicted when I told him you'd be here today. He almost didn't want to go to school until his dad convinced him otherwise."

"Sounds like a good dad." He replied chuckling. 

"He is." I sent him a small smile.


"So.. dude's pretty loaded,huh?" He muttered, looking all around again.

"You are such a.."

"I'm up, Ryan." I replied and soon, I could hear his hurried footsteps towards us.

"Uncle T! He exclaimed excitedly when he saw Tyler.

"Hey there, little rat." He scouted and opened his arms which Ryan automatically ran into. He swung him round playfully and as always, Ryan shrieked in laughter.

"Dad save me!" Ryan said and I turned to see Zac standing behind me.

I was suprised because he's not been home this early since the project started. Tyler let Ryan down and he ran to his father soon after.

"I'm gonna go change and get my ball, uncle T. My dad's taught me alot of skills and I'm gonna beat you now." He boasted.

"Oh yea? I'll be waiting." Ryan beamed at him in response, then ran to his room excitedly, almost tripping. I shook my head at that.

Zac walked closer to where we were. Then he smiled at me. "Hey."

"Hey..you're home early?" It was a statement really.

  "Yea... Nichole called Xander home and I took that as my opportunity to run." We chuckled about that.

"Err.. This is my friend, Tyler and Tyler, Zac."
"Hi..Nice to meet you. Zac Peterson, the husband." Zac extended his hands whuch Tyler took instantly. I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Tyler Smith, the friend. Pleasure is all mine. It's nice to finally put a face to the name."

"Indeed it is."

"Claire's told me so much about you." Tyler says, and I raised my eyebrows at that.

With a simple smile, Zac says "All good things I hope?"

"I wouldn't tell." Tyler smirked playfully at him.

"Oh.. Well. It's nice meeting you and I hope you won't be a stranger."

"Oh..definitely not." Zac nodded and after sometime went to his room.

"Cool guy." He raised his eyebrows playfully and I just shook my head at him. "What? I said... he is cool. You better be happy I think I like him otherwise I'd have to get you to leave him."

"Like you can."

"Oh I can do alot of things to him, Claire." He smirks.

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