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Chapter 5


Zac already mentioned that he lives in the penthouse suite of the building so I clicked on the 'PH' button after saying hello to the middle-aged couple who were in the elevator before me. The couple got out on the third floot and the elevator doors closed again. Once they opened again, I walked out of it and knocked on the door. When I heard a muffled 'come in' from behind the door, I opened the door.

Walking in, I looked in awe at how big the apartment is, not to mention the decor. The interior decorations were so..precise. The paintings, furniture, amongst appliances make the place look like it was recreated directly from a magazine. Basically, all I am saying is that the place screams money to me. And don't get me started on the view..it was mind blowing. Now, I see why people love tall buildings and are obsessed with the topmost floor so much. It's because the view from up here is..insane.

"Hey Claire." I heard Zac say behind me and I turned sharply to face him.

"Hi". I simply said.

"Wow. I love this dress on you. You look..beautiful."

"Oh..Nichole made me..I..thanks." He nods trying to hide his smile to no avail of course as I fumble with words.

Claire, ladies and gentlemen. Forever awkward with compliments.

"I brought wine." I forced a smile.

"Thanks. You didn't have to." I just shrugged. "Please have a seat. Dinner is almost ready."

"Ok. You need some help with the dishes?"

"Ermm..sure." He smiled and led the way to the kitchen.


"I still can't believe you made all that." When he said he was cooking, I figured he was gonna make spaghetti at best, but it was a feast. We had Butternut squash soup with Bacon and Creme Fraiche and are currently having vanilla ice cream covered in butterscotch syrup, with whipped cream.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment." He says, and ate a spoonful of ice cream.

Smiling lightly, I said, "You should. All that looked like it could be on Bon Appetit."

"Thanks, Claire. " He returned the smile, and when he looked away, it felt like he was blushing so I chuckled to myself

"Where did you learn to cook like this anyway? Your mum?"

"No. I mean, she did teach me but the real credit goes to an old friend of mine, Zoey." He smiled and took yet another ice cream.

"Is there a story?"

"Err..He sighed. "Ok there was this semester that Xander and I were broke."

"Broke? You guys? "

"Yes. I mean, our parents were and are rich but back then, Xan and I did some really..well, stunts we weren't proud of, and when the parents found out, well, they cut on our expenses that we hardly had enough to order take out. So that's when Zoey started coming over to cook for us but then, she was leaving the school hence decided to teach us so..we learnt how to cook and then with time, I realised that I actually enjoy cooking so I took more culinary classes over the years and here we are." He chuckled.

"Wow. That's one way to learn how to cook. Here's to Zoey, the genesis " I lifted my big bowl of icecream and he let out a little laugh before clicking our bowls together.

"To Zoey." He smiled.

I was having a great time. It was 'cause I realised that behind that playful man-child I believed he was, there was a fascinating and smart man, and that all that is what makes Zac, Zac. He was just so busy being himself to be someone else.

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