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Chapter 20


And then seeing her again that night at Jayceon's party just brought back old feelings.. it reignited something in me I didn't think still existed.  The way I felt didn't change after I found out that she was a single mother, instead, it made me more interested in knowing more about her and all that she's done for herself for those seven years. I wanted to know the new Claire and just when I thought I was making headway, the bombshell dropped - I'm her son's father.

I admit that I did start hating her or at least tried to after finding out Ryan. I even planned several scenarios in my head on how to hurt her after we got married but I couldn't...I just couldn't bring myself to hurt her more. Getting married to me was punishment enough...she hated me for that. This fact which was supposed to make me atleast happy only made me feel terrible.

And then, at the party when she really opened up to me about all she's really been through, it was like I was with a completely different Claire. I saw another side of her which opened my mind and soul to her while confirmed my old feelings towards her. The fact that she's a kind and beautiful being inside and out. -Yes, she's damaged but so am I.

That night, I understood her reasons for keeping Ryan away... she's just really scared of being alone and although I know that all she needs is to confront her past which she hasn't moved on from, hearing her talking about it was a good start.

I don't know why I suddenly feel like it's my job to ensure she's happy.  Her laughter or even a simple smile from her makes my heart happy. I like this Claire better. 

I couldn't get her off my mind all morning. I kept thinking about Tyler too.

He's quite the hunk. Fine body, big muscles... you know really hot and quite the charmer too. Everyone in my circle loves him so like a typical jealous husband, I started wondering why he hadn't made a move on Claire all those years they were together and if he's now here to do that.

I know its lame but it is what it is. These days, I feel so close to Claire like never before. It's like we are finally connecting. She smiles at me, makes fun of my lame 'daddy jokes' and laughs so freely around me now and believe me...that is the highlight for me.

I didn't feel like going out to the game without her today so I convinced Ryan to see the game some other time and that we should go shopping Claire instead. He got thrilled by the idea when I promised to get him something.

It took me by surprise to realise that she was jealous of Zoey when she has no reason to be. Zoey is someone I used to love..but not anymore. I grew up and fell out of love with her and now, she's just a friend.

As I took a sip of my whiskey, I thought back to how roughly we held each other. Her whole body was completely crushed against mine. I didn't want to let go of the kiss and from the look of it, she didn't want to either but I knew we had to do. We needed to talk..the last time, we didn't and here we are.

Now, I'm hopeful that maybe she feels like a tad bit like I do. - Yes, I was in love with Claire and now, I think I might be falling for her again and the truth is... I do not mind. ymore. I grew up and fell out of love with her and now, she's just a friend. 

As I took a sip of my whiskey, I thought back to how roughly we held each other. Her whole body was completely crushed against mine. I didn't want to let go of the kiss and from the look of it, she didn't want to either but I knew we had to do. We need to talk..the last time, we didn't and here we are. 

Now, I'm hopeful that maybe she feels like a tad bit like I do. - Yes, I was in love with Claire and now, I think I might be falling for her again and the truth is... I do not mind.

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