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Chapter 30

Ominiscent view

Back home, Claire was humming her favorite song as she folds some more of Ryan's clothes when she heard her best friend's voice ring through their big mansion. Surprised at first, she smiled and called out to her informing her of where she is. 

Nichole and Xander walk into the room and find her still folding clothes.  "Hey, guys." She smiled. "This is a nice surprise." She continued and offered them a seat. She was feeling much better than she had been for the past few days when she had been worrying about Zac. Although Zac and she argued the same, he texted hours ago, apologised, and promised to be back soon so they could talk. 

Across from her were Xander and Nichole, full of emotions, perplexed on how to break the news to Claire. I mean, how can one easily tell a wife that her husband might not be returning as soon as she hoped? You can't 

"What can I offer you guys? Wine, water, or ju…"

"Zac's plane is missing," Nichole announced, beating her husband to it. Nichole watched as the face of her best friend changed from that of happiness to one of confusion,  then realization and worry. 

"What? I don't understand. What do you mean his plane is missing?" Claire instantly became alert. No... No, this was not the news she wanted to hear. Especially not when things weren't so good between them. 

"Please calm down. I'm sure he's fine." Nichole replies.

"Err...actually, it was reported just now that someone reported a crashed plane in DC...so the nearest police are on their way to check," Xander stated, with a worried look in his eyes.

"Oh my God." Claire gasped, holding Nichole's hands.

"I'm sure it's not Zac's plane." Nichole implores but Claire wasn't having any of it. She was scared and for the first time in a while, she couldn't hide it. She suddenly became aware of fear in her heart. Zac meant everything to her and they have gotten to a point that she just couldn't imagine living life without him in it. She wouldn't be able to bear that. With teary eyes, she hugged her bestie and the one thing that she could utter was, "Please find him."

Last time, she didn't even get a chance to understand anything before it all happened before her eyes. And now, she couldn't imagine the same happening with her husband. He had become the light of her life this past year. 

"No, this can't be happening. Nothing can happen to him, right?" She tried convincing herself but even she wasn't believing it, because that's how she told herself to hold the faith when her parents died until she watched her brother fall to his end barely a few minutes later. Suddenly remembering something, she pulls away and asks, "Where is Ryan?"

"The kids are home with Beth and my maid. She's at our place." She sighed heavily. She was at least glad to know her son was ok but she couldn't stop staring at the TV as the live video of the said plane was now being broadcasted. She remained frozen for some seconds as they confirmed that it was indeed Zac's chopper.

"...Thanks Robbins. I'm speaking to you live from the crash site where it has now been confirmed that it is indeed Zachary Paterson's chopper. However, no body has been recovered yet. The cops are.." Nichole muted the TV. 

"Oh my God. Did you hear what they said..where is Zac?" She asked, her heart beating so fast she was afraid it wasn't gonna ever stop. Nichole, noticing her agitated state, faced her bestie.

"Claire, he's gonna be ok."

"He's not coming back, is he?" Claire asks, her body shaking profusely as she shed tears.

"Hey..hey..pull yourself together. He's gonna be ok." Nichole tried convincing her best friend. 

   It was unusual that she was in this position because normally, it's always Claire trying to help her see the positive side to every situation. She couldn't help but worry about Zac too. She hoped he was ok and wasn't in any form of danger.

He's an awesome person with an amazing personality. Not just her, but all of her circle of friends, family, and even neighbors love him. He always spreads all of the best vibes wherever he goes. He has been a great friend to Xander and her over the years and for the past year,  she has witnessed him become an awesome father to his son and clearly, the best partner for her best friend. She was grateful for him and all his care for her friend. He's the only reason Claire is right here with her now.

Eight years ago, when Claire decided to leave for Canada, she was heartbroken and there was nothing she could do to change her bestie's mind. And now, if she is back for good, it's all thanks to Zac. He was making her really happy and herself again. She almost couldn't believe her ears last week when Claire came over and mentioned she wanted to go dancing again.

That reminded Nichole of how they became friends. It was at a three months camp. Claire joined in the last two months- She was the new girl who could dance so well. It was during a dance competition they officially met. They were in the garden when Claire gave a Texas wedgie to a mean boy who had been harassing Nichole all day for messing up her steps. 

  Nichole thanked her, and introduced herself to her, and soon, they became inseparable. Nichole had become Claire's personal person. Though they lived in different states, they always spent the holidays in each other's houses. 

Nichole remembered the Halloween they spent together in Claire's house before it all changed. Claire turned their 'their trick or treating' into a chance to impress people with her dance moves, thereby getting them more candy than anyone else. However, after Claire was involved in the accident that claimed the lives of her family.

She just wasn't the same anymore. She didn't participate in any of the activities anymore..especially dancing.

Nichole had never seen Claire dance since her parent's demise..except that one time in college she was forced to just to save Mickey's ass.

After their death, it was like she lost she was..and always wanted to be. And over the passing years, no matter how hard her or her father tried, Claire just remained the same. But now, she was starting to see and feel as though she had her old friend back. Claire is proudly accepting her feelings and being herself again and it's all thanks to Zac's affection.

So right now, all she can do is pray. Pray with all of her heart that her best friend newly found happiness lasts with her forever. Though she was worried, she tried not to let it show for the sake of her best friend. 

"Hey..look at me." She said and pulled Claire's chin up to look at her. Claire's eyes were red from crying for the past hour. 

When Claire finally looked up, Nichole, in a firm voice, said, "Zac is gonna come back to you. He's going to be absolutely fine. You hear me?" Claire nods and hugs her best friend, still sobbing. Nichole kept her hand around her and tried soothing her back, hoping it was gonna help her feel better.

But it wasn't.

Nothing was working for Claire. All she kept thinking of was Zach's moody face when he left earlier that day. 

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