Valentines Concert CHP. 1

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"Well, that wraps everything up commander. I'll check out some of the weirder items in the guild storage if you need me."

"Thank you for your hard work Daizen, but remember not to stay there the entire day this time yes? Make sure you enjoy your day as well."

"Haha, with all the stuff those two bring in I'll have to shove myself in there for a full week to sort it all properly, but I'll be heading to some concert they're hosting today. Make sure you get out of the office every now and then to commander! See ya!"

With the treasurer of the guild taking his leave, I would now be the only one within the premise of the guild home until the end of the day. It was still early in the morning, yet all of the reports from the sub-commanders had been sent, one, in particular, being sent the moment the first rays of sunlight had shone on this world.

"Such...interesting people...."

As their figures flashed briefly in my mind, I briefly reviewed the logs that appeared a few weeks ago. yet there had been no further developments, no corrections made by the Cardinal System.

It had been designed to be self-autonomous, allowing this world to run without human intervention, rectifying any 'bugs' that may occur as a result of the coding and programs that link the player to SAO, along with the typical errors found in MMO RPGs. Yet, it had accepted the error that occurred during that battle.

Was it an error with the Main processor? The Subprocessor? Outside intervention? Yet no abnormality was revealed with the system or the server despite my hours of reviewal, so...were the very laws of the world I designed being overwritten?

Is such a thing even possible?

I heard a sigh from somewhere in the room, only to realize that I was the one who produced the noise. Ever since those two had joined the guild, I believe I had begun to sigh an abnormal amount, similar to her whenever she found me working on this project.

I suppose it does not matter, only time will tell just what this world shall lead to... 'a dream or a nightmare huh?

Moving towards the other log that wasn't concerning, but abnormal nonetheless was the unlock of the first 'Unique Skill' among the player base. I had predicted that this would not occur until far later, perhaps after the 75th floor, and that I would have to directly intervene to raise the 'heroes' who would unlock them, yet, my expectations had once again been surpassed. As if that wasn't enough, it was the most difficult 'Unique Skill' to unlock as a result of its vague requirements, but I suppose if someone was going to receive it this early on, it made sense it was him.

Despite unlocking and increasing its proficiency, no news had spread of its discovery, although that was hardly surprising considering their characters. It appears in time, she will also receive a 'Unique Skill' without my involvement, and in conjunction...

Moving over towards the window, I opened the window and stuck my hand into the sun's rays, the system faithfully sending the signals I had worked on for months to simulate its warmth and gentle nature. As I spend more time here, I feel as if I am slowly losing the ability to differentiate the sensation from either world...will it be the same for the others?

Truly, what interesting people. What an interesting story that is being told in this world.

A new day of this reality dawns, slowly approaching its last dusk. Just where will it all lead?


It was pretty rare for the weather in Aincrad to be as perfect as it is today. Warm sunlight, refreshing breezes, no insects coming around and bugging you (not sorry), and just the right humidity. Topped with the wondrous sight of this bountiful flower forest and the forest goddess in front of me, it made me wish I studied poetry so I could describe it all. It would be even better if, for example, I wasn't experiencing it all upside down.

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