UCW High Impact #77

Start from the beginning

???: I gotta admit i did not expect this result but i kinda like it.

*We see now Edward speaking from within the crowd, so that he doesn't get jumped 2 on 1 by SK and Kagerou, as he recieves a mixed reaction due to separating Kagerou and SK from each other even if people still do not like him*

Edward Mason: Well, would you look at it?. My mere action made the truth come out of your little partnership of basically being two people trying to keep control of it.

SK: Don't be so cocky Edward, both you, Zange and Banri are the reason me and Kagerou dislike each other.
However we can put aside our differences to take you down.

Edward (sarcastic): Fantastic, you can put your differences aside to take me out. However is that true?. Because after how badly i made your duo flop with my action i do not think you should trust each other.
Just an advice from me, as for what will happen at Pride, it's simple, i will take advantage of the tensions between you both to get a W and then move on to No Way Out to get my payback on you Shovel Knight.
As for the 5 Way, i'll win it because i don't exactly see Banri and Zange being that threatening to my chances, you both are gonna kill each other at this rate, and i have the biggest drive of them all in getting something to be of my property again after YOU took it away from me SK and as an appetizer for No Way Out, taking that title which helps you on whatever way to get to your goals will be just fine.

???: So you do not think we are a threat huh Edward?.

*We now see Banri and Zange coming down to the ring both of them with mics to a mixed reaction since Banri hasn't been the best dude so far whereas Zange is probably the sole liked member of the 5 Way due to wanting to fight clean unless it's needed to win.*

Banri: Don't you dare not see us as a threat!.

Edward: And why should i?. You both literally needed my help to beat Kagerou who was one guy.

Banri: Well, you seem to forget something, just like you can get dirty if needed due to the 5 Way having no DQs, i am a delinquent and thus not afraid of cheating in any way necessary to leave with the title so we're even there.

Edward: Ok, you MAY be a little threat but you're not enough of a factor.

Zange: And that is when i come in.

Edward: You may talk.

Zange: Something no one aside of Banri knows is that me and Kagerou are close friends or used to be before SK's influence kicked in and it turned him into someone who's legitimatedly evil rather than evil because of being the way they are.

Kagerou: Shut up Zange.

Zange: Basically, just like you have the drive for winning that IC Title as an appetizer and Kagerou intends to win it to be on the center of the stage and Shovel Knight intends to retain to keep his goals helped, i intend to win so that i can keep the title away from Kagerou to start the slow process into making him stop being like how he is right now and i will do so, so i would say that i am the main obstacle, no offense to Banri between you and that title.

Edward: And i'm supposed to be scared?. You literally shouldn't even be i  condition and lost to Mono on the road to Pride!

Zange: The first thing was your own fault for wanting to get back at Shovel Knight and the second was simply karma since it took 3 people to beat me just like it went the other way around for Kagerou in the contendership match.
So i'd still say i am a problem for you considering i actually have a motivation for someone else's betterment and i intend on making good on it.
See you all on Episode 79.

*The segment ends with the crowd cheering for once since Zange and Edward do seem like the likeliest to win the title and thus it keeps it away from the other 3 members of the match*

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