UCW High Impact #75

Start from the beginning

3- Then this happened:

SK: Listen, i may not like you st all due to your nature being a pain in the ass right now for me rather than a helping hand. But i do agree that if we can keep damaging our 3 rivals enough so that at least one of them doesn't make it to that 5 Way you caused then better.

Kagerou: Fine by me. By the way, you should really have thought this one through since you knew i like to be in the attention hence why i do all this flamboyance and flair and what not and yet you accepted my help.

SK: It helped my goal, i didn't have another way to get to it unless i got the IC Title. However, something i will tell you is that you better hope you leave with the IC Title because if you don't then you will have to tag along with me and trust me, i may not be a hero anymore but rather a villain and i will show you the effects of me handling wrongdoers like you.

Kagerou: I would love to see you try fluke champion. You are not in control of this situation, i am!. If it wasn't for me you wouldn't even have the title!

*The segment ends with Kagerou and SK staring down at each other as the crowd cheers since this friction could lead to the unit's permanent demise*

4- Non-Title match: Digimon vs Renshou and Soushi:
The purpose of this match was:
-To show how thanks to actually being on good terms unlike their opponents, Renshou and Soushi were able to force a back and forth match through teamwork since Renamon and Mad Leomon opted to work separatedly (or in the latter's case by using Renamon to give himself advantages) and this essentially created 2 on 1 situations that gave Renshou and Soushi a slight 60/40 lead.
-You may be wondering the why of teamworking against two people who are not doing so and thus having 2 on 1 advantages didn't make the lead above be bigger, well what happened was that Mad Leomon and Renamon were able to fight better than it should be possible by themselves since Renamon was faster and thus agile enough to sometimes leap over her opponents and thus strike them from behind or different directions after the dodges whereas Leomon was just too goddamn resistant as usual and thus sometimes was able to tank the strikes and counter attack or lift the competition and slsm them down.
That said, the lead was still there since as good as one may be, number's game still screws you up.
-To show how just like on the last match, even if not as resistant as during the contendersip match, Mad Leomon was still more resistant than usual and thus it made him be a problem for his opponents.
In the end, Leomon connected an F5 on Renshou and covered him to get the clean W for his team.
After the match, we see him and Renamon grabbing some mics (whilst getting the usual fearful cheers) and then they proceeded to talk:

Mad Leomon: Before i can move onto Elias, me and Renamon have a message for our number 1 contenders for the Tag Team Championships in the Bikini Bottomers.

Renamon: Normally, i would point out that we just beat a team despite them having the teamworking advantage over us just like the Bikini Bottomers will and thus is secures our victory.
However this time i'm gonna pry at something else to justify why we'll win and that is Mad Leomon over here.

Mad Leomon: As i am sure, you all are bound to have noticed how much tougher i've become yes?. Well that is because with the Elias match on the horizon and finally being able to get that World Championship for real i have essentially become more resilient since i do not plan on screwing this one up.

Renamon: Now if Mad Leomon was already a problem for you both on the match we won the belts, then what the hell do you think will happen when you face us and he is even more resilient than before!.

Mad Leomon: You'll lose and it will be even worse this time.
Now i'm gonna move onto Elias so get your ass here right now Drifter!

5- We now see Renamon exiting the ring to move to ringside and then Elias walking down with a stoic face and ignoring everyone as he goes to grab for a mic and then stares at Leomon:

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