Chapter 33

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking

"Yare yare" - People speaking in English


You and Kusuo were currently hanging out after school at your house, deciding to hold a study date. It didn't help that you were distracted by your feelings for the entire time, and to make it worse Kusuo couldn't understand what was the matter; he could barely read your thoughts and you refused to open up about your emotions to him. You rested your face on your palm and stared blankly at your maths textbook. Kusuo noticed your lack of listening and stopped the work to ask if you were alright.

Kusuo - "Y/N?"

Still deep in thought, you failed to hear him.

Kusuo - "...Y/N?"

Silence. After you failed to answer once again, Kusuo yelled to snap you out of your trance.

Kusuo - "Y/N!!"

Startled, you quickly turned your head to look at him.

Y/N - "Ah... Yes?"

Kusuo - "What's the matter with you today? Are you even listening to me?"

Y/N - "Sure I'm listening. You were blabbering on about some dumb maths topic."

Kusuo sighed out of annoyance and facepalmed. He was fairly concerned that you couldn't even stay focused for one short maths lesson with him, especially after your last shocking maths test result.

Kusuo - "Could you please pay more attention? It's almost like you want to fail."

Y/N - "Yeah sure, sorry."

You looked back at your maths textbook solemnly. Kusuo noticed that something was clearly off about you.

Kusuo - "What's wrong? You've been almost silent this entire time and it's creepy how out of character you are."

You awkwardly twiddled with your thumbs, not really wanting to elaborate on your current predicament. You felt embarrassed and didn't want Kusuo to perceive you as some pathetic and insecure girlfriend. Deciding to keep secret about it, you looked at him and smiled.

Y/N - "Nothing's wrong, I promise! Just a little confused by the work. It's hard to wrap my head around."

Kusuo - "Maybe you'd find it easier if you listened to me."

You stop smiling and scoff at the insulting yet true remark.

Y/N - "Dickhead. Just explain it better and be a little less dull, please."

Kusuo rolled his eyes and started to explain the topic all over again. You tried not to get side tracked again, but failed multiple times throughout the session which agitated Kusuo. By the time the date was over and Kusuo left, you wanted to punch yourself in the face repeatedly.

Annoyed with yourself, you flop onto your bed and bury your face into the pillow.

Y/N - 'Dummy. Why'd you have to keep getting distracted by that white haired bitch. To make things worse I pissed off Kusuo.'

Exhausted, you decided to get changed and ready for bed early - you had nothing else to really do except sleep and wallow in self pity. Too bad it was all for naught, because you couldn't sleep when your anxious thoughts were endlessly swarming your mind.


Mr Iguchi - "Today you'll be spending this lesson completing the assignment. You and your partner will be allowed to go to the library and complete extra research there if needed."

You and Kaidou looked at each other happily - you could spend the entire lesson chatting with each other. Of course you also had to complete the work, but both of you knew you were going to get distracted and end up just messing around.

Y/N - "Hey Shun, let's go to the library."

Kaidou - "Sure! You don't think we might be a little too loud there though?"

Y/N - "It's fine, maybe this time we'll actually get some work done though."

Kaidou - "Alright then."

You and Kaidou headed to the library. However, once you got there you instantly regretted your decision; it turned out Arienne and Kusuo were also there to complete work. You tried to get one of the tables furthest away from them, but unfortunately they were already occupied. You were stuck trying to complete work with them directly in your line of vision.

Y/N - 'I need to stop being so immature. They're working together, it's not a big deal.'

You and Kaidou sat down at the table and took out your workbooks and stationery.

Kaidou - "I'll go and get the books needed for research, alright?"

Y/N - "Mhm, okay!"

Kaidou stood up and went to search for a few textbooks. Meanwhile, your eyes kept drifting to the 2 people seated at the table to your left; contrary to his usual appearance, Kusuo seemed relatively happy. He didn't have a complete look of contempt or disdain, which is how he'd always look at everyone except you. Both of them were chatting away and you had even heard a few laughs. You look away and rest your face on top of your arms on the table.

Y/N - 'What the heck are they even laughing at? Kusuo isn't that funny.'

You continue to stay focused on them, even though you hated you cared so much. It was understandable though; the majority of people would feel the same way if the most perfect, stunning girl was effortlessly charming your boyfriend. You continued to bury yourself in self hatred until Kaidou finally came back with the books.

Kaidou - "Hi Y/N, I'm back with the textbooks. Sorry I took so long."

Disguising your polluted and depressed mood, you looked up and offered him a beaming smile.

Y/N - "It's fine! We can start working now."

Kaidou looked at you doubtfully - even he could see through your facade.

Kaidou - "Are you alright, Y/N? You look a little pale"

You nod your head in attempts to reassure him.

Y/N - "I'm fine, honestly. Maybe it's because I didn't get too much sleep last night."

Kaidou sat down next to you and chuckled a little.

Kaidou - "That makes sense. I bet you stayed up playing games again."

Y/N - "Mhm, yeah. That's right."

You and Kaidou continued working, and you attempted to avoid looking at the table next to you throughout the entire session. Yet, despite the resistance, the gnawing pain in your chest didn't disappear.

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now