Chapter 29

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking

"Yare yare" - People speaking in English



You open your eyes and see a sleeping Kusuo laying peacefully. You were cuddled up next to him with his arms wrapped around you tightly; the warmth from his body made you feel so comforted and at peace. As you continue to observe his adorable face, memories of last night flood back into your head causing your face to go completely red. Whilst you definitely, definitely enjoyed the experience, something about how you acted made you feel a little embarrassed. You're most happy that Kusuo enjoyed it too despite it being your birthday and not his.

You continue to admire your boyfriend until you see his eyes flutter open slowly. You panic, feeling a little awkward talking to him after last night. It seemed Kusuo felt the same way, as his cheeks went just as red as yours when he saw you so close to him; not to mention you were both naked. You decided to break the moment of silence by talking.

Y/N - "M-Morning, Kusuo..."

Kusuo smiles a little before planting a small kiss on your lips.

Kusuo - "Good morning, Y/N."

You fidget awkwardly and avoid making eye contact; what on earth were you supposed to say right now? It didn't help that Kusuo was looking at you intently, feeling amused by your cute panicked face.

Kusuo - "Did you enjoy last night, Y/N?"

Your already flushed face when he reminds you once again of your "birthday gift" turns even darker.

Y/N - "Of course I did, you dummy.."

Kusuo's smile grows a little wider hearing this - he couldn't help but feel happy that you were happy. He gently kisses you once more before sitting up from his bed and releasing a small yawn. Kusuo checks the alarm clock seated on the bedside table to see that it reads "12:00pm."

Kusuo - "Good grief, it's already mid-day?"

Y/N - "That's early as fuck, who wakes up before mid-day on a weekend?"

Kusuo - "I do."

Y/N - "Of course you do..."

You roll your eyes subtly and sit up to hug Kusuo from behind. Kusuo blushes in response to having your breasts press up against his back softly. You peer over his shoulder curiously to see his flustered face.

Kusuo - "G-Get off me, you idiot."

Y/N - "We just had sex and you can't even handle me hugging you like this now?"

The psychics face turns redder and he coughs awkwardly; he was just hoping he wouldn't get too excited or you'd made fun of him and tease him for sure. Kusuo stands up from the bed, lightly shaking off your embrace which made you pout.

Kusuo - "I'm going to go shower now."

The annoyed expression on your face quickly turned into a broad grin as soon as he said that. Your boyfriend didn't need to read your mind to guess exactly what ideas were circulating around in your head.

Y/N - "May I join you, Kusuo~"

Kusuo sighs irritatedly, but you knew he wasn't really unhappy with your request deep down. And so he "reluctantly" accepted your offer.

Kusuo - "Do what you want."

Y/N - "I'd say that's tsundere for yes~"

You spontaneously jump out of the bed and rush to kiss him. His eyes widen but they close after a few seconds and he returns your passionate kiss, taking hold of your waist to pull you closer. You both break the kiss after a moment and gaze into each others eyes.

Kusuo - "Should we get into that shower now, Y/N?"


Dwanye & Peggy - "FOR REAL!?"

Y/N - "Yup!"

It was 4:30 and you were at Peggy's house in her living room, telling your best mates about the greatest birthday gift you've ever received.

Dwanye - "That hard-headed, cold-blooded weirdo actually went through with it!?"

Y/N - "Only I can insult my boyfriend like that, Dwanye."

Dwanye - "Sorry, but this really is surprising. I can't believe that man actually went through with my plan. This is all so surreal."

Y/N - "Wow, of course it was your plan..."

Peggy - "I'm happy for you both though, Y/N! You guys are making such progress in your relationship, I'm kinda jealous."

Y/N - "Thanks Peggy, I'm sure you and Aren will make progress soon too. However..."

You turn to look at Dwanye and raise your eyebrow at that mess of a human being.

Y/N - "Not so sure about her relationship with that ball chinned gorilla. No offense to Nendou or anything."

Dwanye - "Rude! Our relationship is fine!"

Y/N - "Yeah, sure..."

Dwanye furrows her eyebrows at you and you chuckle quietly; annoying people truly was a favourite hobby of yours. On the other hand, Peggy disliked the tension and decided to change the topic.

Peggy - "S-So, I overheard a rumour at school recently!"

You and Dwanye put your death staring contest to a halt and look to Peggy; hearing gossip from your friends was unfortunately both of yours and Dwanye's guilty pleasure.

Y/N - "What is it?"

Peggy - "I heard there's a new transfer student coming to our school!"

Y/N - "Really? Well I suppose it is the anime's tradition, but I didn't think the author would be bothered enough to do it too."

Peggy - "That's what I thought, but I think the rumours true. You know, it's not just any normal transfer student either apparently."

Dwanye - "What's so unusual about them?"

Peggy - "I heard she's incredibly beautiful, like Teruhashi levels."

Y/N - "Another Teruhashi? Hopefully a little more genuine and less fake though."

Dwanye - "Probably not true. Kind of skeptical of this Teruhashi carbon copy."

Y/N - "True, it is just a rumour. As long as she doesn't bother me anyway I'll be fine."

Peggy - "Wow, you sound like Kusuo. You've been around your boyfriend too much~"

You chuckle a little at Peggy's slight teasing and playfully shove her.

Y/N - "Shut up, dumbass. Are we watching Community or not?"

Peggy - "Ha, my bad. I'll turn on the TV now."

The three of you continue with your previously interrupted birthday celebration and watch some television. You were eating snacks and chatting away happily - you were clearly having fun. After all, there was nothing to feel bad about. You were hanging out with 2 of your favourite people and your relationship with Kusuo was better than ever. And yet why were you feeling such anxiety and doubt under all this happiness?

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