Chapter 27

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking

"Yare yare" - People speaking in English


Kusuo POV

It was finally Y/N's birthday, and Kusuo was absolutely shitting himself. He could barely sleep the night before due to the anxiety he was feeling. So many things could go wrong with his "present"; what if she didn't like it? What if he was too inexperienced for her to enjoy it? Even though he made sure to do extensive research on the topic, it didn't make him any more confident in his abilities. He tried consulting Dwanye and Peggy yesterday once more, but as you probably expected it was of no help.

Kusuo made sure to make himself look extra good today; he even decided to change up his usual basic hairstyle. He ended up losing track of time though and was almost late for meeting up with Y/N this morning. For once in his life, Y/N was earlier than him.

Y/N - "What were you even doing at home? You're lucky I waited for you."

Kusuo - "Now you know how I feel. Also, happy birthday Y/N."

Y/N - "Oh right, it's my birthday!"

Kusuo - "You forgot again?"

Y/N - "Yeah, I did. I'm glad my boyfriend remembered though~"

Kusuo - "Of course I'd remember, dummy."

Before they began walking to school, Y/N noticed Kusuo's new appearance, even though they were very subtle changes. She found herself admiring his looks, not realising how awkward Kusuo felt with her staring at him so closely.

Kusuo - "Is there something wrong?"

Y/N - "You made yourself look extra nice just for my birthday?"

Kusuo was secretly happy that Y/N noticed the small changes he made for her. He refused to let her know that though, as he felt a little embarrassed admitting it.

Kusuo - "I didn't do this for you. I just wanted to change things up."

Y/N - "Do it more often. You look great!"

Kusuo - "J-Just shut up. We need to get to school already or we'll be late."

Kusuo swiftly switched topics and began walking hastily towards school. He was a little shaken up by her compliment, and he refused to show himself blushing to Y/N again. Despite Kusuo's efforts to hide his unnerved state, Y/N knew the truth and chuckled to herself before catching up with him.



Y/N - "Dwanye, are you kidding me?"

Dwanye - "What's wrong? Don't you need this?"

It was lunchtime and you decided to open the presents Dwanye and Peggy got you. You were happy with Peggy's present since you were in need of new stationery and school equipment, but you were just disappointed in Dwanye. Though to be honest you weren't surprised at the same time.

Y/N - "This is by far the weirdest gift I've ever received, and of course it's from you."

Dwanye - "I think you mean best gift. This'll come in handy for both you and Saiki."

Y/N - "Dear Lord, you seriously got me an oral anesthetic... Ridiculous."

Dwanye - "Trust me, it'll help you out a lot later."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now