Chapter 4

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking



After around 45 minutes, you stop writing and take a deep breath. You were frankly bored of this task already and wanted to do something fun.

Y/N - "Saiki, I'm bored."

Saiki - "It hasn't even been an hour?"

Y/N - "It's been 45 minutes, that's basically the same thing."

Saiki - "...except it isn't the same thing."

Y/N - "Don't be so pedantic. Let's do something fun."

Saiki - "We have to do work, L/N."

Y/N - "You're so boring, midget."

Saiki - "Midget? We're the same height."

Y/N - "I believe I'm about 0.5cm taller than you."

Saiki - "Who's pedantic now?"

Y/N - "Touche."

Saiki - "How about we compromise. 15 more minutes of work, and then we can take a 1.5 minute break."

Y/N - "I fail to see how that's a compromise."

Saiki - "Is your small brain not able to handle that much info?"

Y/N - "Suck your mum."

Saiki - "I beg your pardon?"

Y/N - "Nothing, let's continue working."

15 minutes pass, and you're finally able to take a break.

Y/N - "Finally we can stop!"

Saiki - "You're so dramatic."

Y/N - "Saiki, let's watch a film!"

Saiki - "How are we going to watch a film? We're only taking a break for a minute and a half."

Y/N - "Extend the break!"

Saiki - "We're only halfway done with the report."

Y/N - "It's due in next week, we have more than enough time to finish it."

Saiki - "I'd rather complete it now and then not spend anymore time with you."

Y/N - "We only met today and you already hate me? How depressing."

Saiki - "I'd like you if you stopped annoying me."

Y/N - "No can do. Anyway, let's watch a film or something. Or play a game."

Saiki - "A game? What game do you wanna play?"

Y/N - "Hmmm...."

You pretended to think, but really you had the perfect game in mind. You were a massive horror fan and always played horror games; making him play a scary game would be perfect for getting a reaction out of him.

Y/N - "How about a horror game?"

Saiki - "....Excuse me?"

Y/N - "A horror game. It's a game where you get put in scary situati-"

Saiki - "I know what a horror game is!"

Y/N - "Jeez alright. You seemed confused."

Saiki - "Good grief, are you sure about this?"

Y/N - "Of course I am. You're not scared, are you?"

Saiki - "That's absurd. As if I'd be scared of something fictional."

Y/N - "Sure, sure. Let's download a free one on your computer now."

Saiki - "...Um. Sure."

Saiki POV

You've probably watched the anime, so you're most likely already aware that Saiki is, for the most part, unshakeable - he has a phobia of bugs, but that's about it. However, little did you know he's absolutely scared shitless of horror games and films; he's unable to use his telepathy to predict jumpscares, and gets disgusted by the gore and violence. As soon as Y/N mentioned that she wanted to play a scary game, Saiki got goosebumps. He couldn't let her know he was afraid though: he knew she would never let it go.

Y/N - "Here we go, downloaded it."

Saiki - "What game did you get?"

Y/N - "I dunno, some game about a spider monster or something."

Saiki - '....Are you kidding me right now? You chose one about a bug?'

The game starts up, and Saiki already gets jumpscared by the start screen popping up.

Y/N - "Did that seriously scare you?"

Saiki - "It did not! Shut up and start it."

Y/N - "Alright, alright, don't get your knickers in a bunch. You control the mouse, I'll control the keyboard."

Saiki - "Can't you just play it?"

Y/N - "I thought you weren't scared."

Saiki - "I'm not. Let's just play, good grief."

Y/N - "Man, if I got 100 yen every time you said good grief I'd be the new Jeff Bezos."

Saiki - "Good g- whatever."

Saiki and Y/N start playing the game, and for around a 7 minutes nothing scary occurs; it's fairly peaceful for a scary game, with a few mini jumpscares here and there, Y/N laughing at Saiki anytime this happens. Y/N and Saiki have already nearly completed with it.

Saiki - 'I guess I overreacted. This isn't that scary.'

Saiki lets out a sigh and a slight smile of relief makes its way onto his face. All of a sudden, you both begin hearing footsteps in the game. They gradually get louder, louder, and louder.

Saiki - '...Spoke too soon.'

Saiki begins to shake out of fear, unable to move the mouse properly. As he starts to dread the pending jumpscare, he hears the door open behind him, making him almost have a heart attack.

Kuniharu - "Son, I heard you had compa-"

Saiki - "Are you trying to scare me? Get out."

Y/N - "That's a little harsh, don't you think?"

Saiki - "He caught me off guard. Let's just get this shitty game over and done with."

They both go back to the game, but their short inactivity screwed them both over.

And they experience the biggest jumpscare ever.

Y/N - "My god that scared me. Saiki are you-"

Y/N looks to her right at Saiki...

Y/N - "-alright?"

...and sees him on the floor.

Y/N - " scared you that much?"

Saiki - "Let's never speak of this again."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now