Chapter 21

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking

"Yare yare" - People speaking in English


Kusuo POV

Kusuo - "What did you just say?"

Y/N - "Um... You're a psychic, right? That's what you wanted to tell me?"

Kusuo - "No it wasn't, you dumb fuck!"

Y/N - "Ah... Well, what did you want to tell me then?"

Kusuo - "Hold up, where the hell did you get the idea that I'm a psychic?"

Y/N - "Well, it's kind of obvious at this point."

Kusuo - "Explain!"

Y/N - "Um okay, well first of all how about the fact that as soon as your hair clip was taken off by Teruhashi on the school trip the hotel teleported?"

Kusuo - "You saw that?!"

Y/N - "Yeah, I did. How'd you not notice me?"

Kusuo - "Well that doesn't prove anything anyway. How do you know I caused that?"

Y/N - "I'm just saying, bad stuff tends to happen when your antenna is taken out. Sports day, Okinawa trip, Kusuke incident, etc."

Y/N reflected on other moments where Kusuo revealed his powers to her accidentally.

Y/N - "Right! A few months ago I saw you with your new neighbour Yuuta flying in the air."

Kusuo - "...You saw that too?"

Y/N - "Yeah. Try and explain that."

Kusuo wanted to absolutely punch himself right in the face; how could he have been so careless and reckless? Maybe if he could detect her thoughts better with telepathy he wouldn't have made such ridiculous mistakes.

Y/N - "There are tons of other instances where you displayed your powers, but I'd rather not get into all of that. Not to mention your older brother told me already."

Kusuo - "He did WHAT!?"

Y/N - "Yeah, he accidentally blabbed to me. Though I kind of struggled to believe him because he's kind of insane."

Kusuo - 'Good grief, knowing him that was definitely on purpose...'

Kusuo - "Why didn't you tell me you knew anyway?"

Y/N - "I was going to, but how would I mention that in conversation? Just go up to you and say "Hi Kusuo, I know you have powers"?"

Kusuo - "I still wish you had told me you knew..."

Kusuo - "...T-Though I guess I don't mind if you know."

Y/N - "Really? You're not worried about me accidentally spilling your secret?"

Kusuo - "No. I know you would've spilled it ages ago if you were untrustworthy."

Y/N smiled and blushed at him, flattered by his small compliment. Kusuo smiled right back at her and squeezed her hand a little tighter.

Y/N - "Wait a second. If you weren't going to admit your powers to me, what were you planning to say?"

The smile fades from Kusuo's face and is replaced by an anxious look. He breaks eye contact with Y/N and looks to the side, his nerves all flooding back.

Kusuo - "It's nothing..."

Kusuo let's go of Y/N's hand and places his hand in his pocket instead. Y/N steps a little closer towards him and examines him curiously. Her intense staring caused the already nervous pinkette to get even more flustered.

Y/N - "You're so obviously bullshitting me. You can move buildings with your mind but can't lie successfully to me?"

Kusuo - "Unfortunately I don't have a lying super power, Y/N."

Y/N - "Then tell me the truth, Kusuo. What's wrong?"

Y/N gently turns his face towards her so she could meet his enchanting gaze again. She held both of his hands in attempt to comfort the anxious psychic. Kusuo takes another deep breath and collects his courage once again. He opened his mouth to speak this time, wanting to make this confession as heartfelt and sincere as possible.

Kusuo - "What I've been planning to tell you for a while now is that..."

Y/N - "What? Just say it."

Kusuo - "...I like you."

Y/N looked at him, baffled - she had no clue what he had just said since he literally just whispered it quietly.

Y/N - "Sorry, could you speak up?"

Kusuo let out a large sigh of irritation and tries to speak louder through his dry throat.

Kusuo - "I like you."

Y/N - "...S-Say that again?"

Y/N knew full well what he said that time, but she needed confirmation. She was still doubting this, I mean there's no way that cold-hearted psychic would like her, right?

Kusuo - "I like you, you deaf dumbass!"

Y/N trembles and her face goes as red as a tomato. She started to internally panic as she frantically frets over how she should react to this; she couldn't make sense of her own emotions, and now she was forced to answer such a sudden confession.

Y/N - "I- Um...I-Is this a prank?"

Kusuo sighs in frustration again.

Kusuo - "What kind of prank is that!? I'm not kidding. I like you."

Y/N - "...Why?"

Kusuo - "I don't know, I just do. Even though you're endlessly irritating and frustrating, I like you."

Y/N continues to stumble over her words as she tries to respond to him; she knew deep down she liked him back, so why was telling him that so hard? Noticing how distressed Y/N was by his unexpected confession, Kusuo tries to comfort her and wraps his arms around her tightly.

Kusuo - "You don't have to answer now."

Feeling bad about her unresponsiveness, Y/N hugs him back and buries her face into the crook of his neck. Kusuo's cheeks turn just as red as hers when he feels her warm breath against his skin. He tightens his embrace around Y/N as he savours the sweet moment. The cuddle comforted Y/N and calmed her down, and so she finally gathered all her valour to respond.

Y/N - "I like you too, you douchebag."

A broad smile arises on Kusuo's face whilst he also does his best to keep his cool and not flip out. Finally, they both let go of each other reluctantly, still only a few inches away from each other. Kusuo peers at her blushing face and studies all her features. He thought her to be even prettier close up, and as he examined the details of her face he finds himself gazing at her chapped lips again. The brief kiss they shared yesterday wasn't enough for Kusuo; he wanted more. He rests his left hand on her cheek, places his right across her waist and pulls her into a gentle kiss.

It doesn't take long for Y/N to close her eyes and return the kiss, even though her heart was pounding rapidly against her chest. Her knees steadily got weaker as Kusuo overwhelmed all her senses, absorbing her into the kiss even more. It was almost as if time stopped that moment, and it was only them 2 in the world enjoying their close embrace-

Until the school bell rung loudly, rudely interrupting the romantic moment shared between them.

Kusuo and Y/N pulled away from each other hesitantly. Neither of them wanted to let go that moment and both were pissed it had to stop.

Y/N & Kusuo - "Stupid bell."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now