Chapter 3

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking



Y/N - "So, Saiki, what book do you suggest we write about?"

Saiki - "Don't know, don't care. You choose."

Y/N - "Bold of you to assume I even read."

Saiki - "I'm not surprised a moron like you doesn't read. I couldn't have gotten more useless partner for this task."

Y/N - "Aren't you kind?"

Saiki rolls his eyes at your sarcastic remark and you giggle at his reaction.

Saiki - "Good grief, what was the last book you read then?"

Y/N - ".......Let me think...."

You ponder for a few seconds, and finally recall something you last read that wasn't a h̶e̶n̶t̶a̶i̶  comic book.

Y/N - "I remember! Pride and Prejudice!"

Saiki - ".....The 19th century romance novel?"

Y/N - "No, the sci-fi one."

Saiki - "There was no need for the sarcasm, I just wasn't expecting you to have any interest in a romantic novel."

Y/N - "I don't have any interest, I was forced to read it for GCSEs."

Saiki - "That makes more sense. Let's just do the report on that."

Y/N - "Works for me. Let's start on it after school."

Saiki - "Have you ever thought that I might be busy after school?"

Y/N - "Oh please enlighten me and tell me what busy things you might be up to after school."

Silence fills the air for a few seconds as Saiki comes to the realisation that the only thing he had planned after school was to stuff his face with coffee jelly.

Saiki - "...Point taken. We'll do some of it after school. We should begin it now though."

Y/N - "No thanks. I had originally planned to take a nap this lesson, so I'm busy."

Saiki - "Are you actually kidding me right now?"

Y/N - "Oh I rarely kid, my dear."

Saiki - "Don't you dare call me that again."

Y/N - "Goodnight then."

You put your head down on the desk and doze off to sleep. Saiki rolls his eyes and lets out a sigh of exasperation; he couldn't believe what just happened.

~time skip to end of school~

The bell rings loudly and wakes you up, giving you a heart attack. You let out a yawn and stretch your arms out, purposefully hitting Saiki in the face.

Saiki - "Get your hand out of my face."

Y/N - "Sorry, Strawberry Pimp, I didn't mean to."

Saiki - "Stop giving me weird nicknames and get up, we need to start on the report as soon as possible since a certain someone decided to sleep all lesson."

Y/N - "Fine, fine, let's go."

Saiki gets up and leaves the classroom, leaving you to quickly pack your bag and get off your ass to catch up with him.

After you've both changed your shoes, you walk with Saiki to his house whilst you continue to annoy him constantly as he holds back the urge to kick you in your ovaries.

Saiki - "We're finally here. For a fairly short journey that felt like years of pain with you."

Y/N - "Thank you."

Saiki - "I wasn't even complimenting you."

Y/N - "I thank you anyway."

Saiki - "My God, let's just go in and get this report over with already."

Saiki quickly drags you upstairs to his room to avoid having you meet his parents: he wasn't yet mentally prepared for that encounter.

Exhausted (somehow), you flop down on Saikis bed and close your eyes momentarily.

Saiki - "You already took a nap in class, you can't possibly be tired."

Y/N - "Constantly annoying you takes energy."

Saiki - "Then don't do it!?"

Y/N - "It's worth it. Your reactions are gold."

Saiki - "Get up and sit down at the desk instead."

You let out a groan of annoyance and get up to sit down at his desk. Saiki takes a seat next to you.

Saiki - "So, how do you propose we start planning this?"

Y/N - "Um.... How about we note down the key themes and characters of the book first?"

Saiki did think it was a good idea, but obviously a tsundere like him wouldn't let you know that at any cost.

You and Saiki begin noting down things in silence, but Saikis attention was soon diverted.

Saiki POV

After writing for around 2 minutes, Saiki ended up looking at Y/N again - despite him finding her unbelievably annoying, he still couldn't help gazing her. Not being able to just see flesh and bones was something that was completely foreign to him before he met Y/N. After looking at her for a while, he eventually had to admit he found her fairly attractive. He continued to admire her enchanting e/c eyes, her short/long h/c hair, her-

Y/N - "Still gawking at me?"

Saiki snapped out of his trance once again and mentally punched himself in the face for getting so distracted by her.

Y/N - "And you say you don't find me attractive."

Saiki - "You suck."

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