Chapter 8

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking



It was the beginning of class and the teacher had just announced you were getting your maths test results back. It wasn't end of years or anything so you weren't really concerned, plus you already knew you failed it. As the teacher hands you your test back, you look at the result:


You didn't really care about your shit result, and you weren't surprised either. You revised for 2 minutes before the test only so it's not shocking that you failed. You, being nosy, decided to look over to your left at Kaidou's result: 80/100.

Y/N - "Kaidou, you did so well!"

Kaidou blushed at your compliment and awkwardly smiled.

Kaidou - "T-Thanks! You did..."

Kaidou looks at your result and sweat drops.

Kaidou - "well too..."

You chuckle at his attempt to be nice to you.

Y/N - "It's fine, I know I did shit."

Kaidou - "Y-You didn't do that badly!"

Y/N - "I expected to do badly anyway, I despise maths with a burning passion."

You and Kaidou continue chatting throughout the lesson as the teacher goes through the test with the class. The bell soon rings and you get ready to meet Peggy and Dwanye.

Mr Iguchi - "L/N, could you stay back for a few minutes please?"

Y/N - '...Bollocks.'

You sigh and get up from your chair to walk towards your teacher.

Y/N - "So, what's the issue here?"

You didn't even have to ask anyway what the issue was, because you knew damn well what it was about.

Mr Iguchi - "I'm just slightly worried about your studies. Your grades have been dropping and you seem to be paying less attention in class."

Y/N - 'I never paid attention in the first place to be honest.'

Y/N - "And?"

Mr Iguchi - "And I hope you'll take your studies more seriously."

Y/N - "And if I don't?"

Mr Iguchi - "Well I guess if you don't you won't have many opportunities in the way of career aspects."

Y/N - "Thank you for the lecture, can I leave now?"

Mr Iguchi - "You can, but I hope you'll take things more seriously. Maybe getting a tutor will help?"

Y/N - "Yeah sure, I 100% will."

You leave the classroom to meet your friends for lunch and Mr Iguchi sighs and whispers under his breath:

Mr Iguchi - "...What an attitude."


Peggy - "I told you this would happen!"

Y/N - "We all knew this would happen, Peggy."

Peggy - "I also told you to pay attention in class and spend less time doodling! You turned your text books into your sketch books."

Y/N - "Why are you just lecturing me!? Dwanye does the same thing."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now