Chapter 7

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking



It was the end of the school day and frankly you were exhausted. It was Friday and you just wanted to go home and relax. Whilst walking, you notice a certain pink-haired boy by himself. Despite being tired, you hurry towards him, deciding to use the last of your energy for pissing him off.

Y/N - "Strawberry!"

Saiki turned around at your loud remark and sighed.

Saiki - "Good grief, what do you want now?"

Y/N - "I came to annoy you. And considering your irritated face at the moment, it seems I haven't lost my touch."

Saiki - "I wish you had lost your touch. Leave me alone."

Y/N - "Sure, I'll leave you alone."

Saiki - "...really?"

Y/N - "No, of course not, you ugly bitch."

Saiki - "Ugly? You look like shit right now."

Y/N - "I'm just tired, we had PE today."

Saiki - "That was hours ago. How are you still tired?"

Y/N - "I believe me still being tired shows how hard working I was in PE."

Saiki - "Really? I didn't know sitting and gossiping with your friends in PE was considered hard work."

Y/N - "Sitting and breathing uses energy."

Saiki - "I don't even know how to react to that."

You smile at Saiki's confused response and you both continue walking together in silence for a minute or 2. It was completely silent until you thought of a great idea.

Y/N - "Saiki, give me a piggy back ride!"

Saiki - "Have you lost your mind?"

Y/N - "Indeed, but that was already established a while ago."

Saiki - "Fair enough, but I'm still not giving you a piggy back ride."

Y/N - "You won't help out your exhausted friend?"

Saiki - "I won't help, and you're not my friend."

Y/N - "You're right. We're BFFs~"

Saiki - "We're not friends and we're not BFFs."

Y/N - "True, I almost forgot your BFF was Nendou."

Saiki - "Nendou is not my friend or BFF either!"

Y/N - "So he's your boyfriend?"

Saiki - "Shut up."

Y/N - "You didn't deny it, I guess."

Saiki - "Can we go back to being silent again? It's so much more peaceful when I don't have to listen to your annoying voice."

Y/N - "My voice is beautiful, you uncultured swine."

Saiki - "I don't care, shut up."

As per Saiki's request, it goes silent for a bit. However, you soon easily get bored by the lack of conversation and decide to agitate him even more. You get behind him and jump on top of his back.

Saiki - "L-L/N!?"

Y/N - "Calm down, you'll drop me!"

Saiki - "Good, I want you to get off me!"

Y/N - "Saikiii, stop being so stubborn and just carry me~"

Saiki groans in frustration at your persistence.

Saiki - "Fine, just so you can stop whining and complaining."

Y/N - "So sweet of you~"


Saiki ended up giving in to avoid any more annoying requests. He carries you to your house using the directions you give him.

Saiki - "We're here. Now get off me."

Y/N - "Fine, fine."

You climb off Saiki and get your keys to open the door.

Y/N - "Do you want to come in?"

Saiki - "Hell no. I wanna get away from you, not spend more time with you."

Y/N - "Suit yourself. I'll just eat the new sweets and cake my Dad bought by myself."

Saiki's face perks up as his attention is grabbed by the words "sweets and cake".

Saiki - "...I can come in for a bit, I guess."

You invite him into the house and lead him to your messy room. Saiki looks around your bedroom with a slightly surprised look on his face.

Saiki - "I didn't expect your room to be such a mess. Do you even clean?"

Y/N - "It's not that messy, you don't have to exaggerate."

Saiki - "The hell you mean, not that messy?"

Saiki points to the shirts, trousers and u̶n̶d̶e̶r̶g̶a̶r̶m̶e̶n̶t̶s̶  socks scattered across the floor of your bedroom.

Y/N - "Just sit down somewhere and I'll get you your stupid cake."

Saiki - "Fine. Be quick, I'm hungry."

You whisper an insult towards him under your breath and go to get the cake. You realise your dad only bought cheesecake, and you'd rather die than give anybody a piece of your beloved cheesecake. You take a large piece for yourself instead and get Saiki a bar of chocolate and a bag of cookies. After collecting the food, you make your way upstairs back to your room.

Y/N - "Here's your food, your majesty."

Saiki rolls his eyes at you and you pass him the chocolate and cookies.

Saiki - "I thought I was getting cake?"

Y/N - "I changed my mind. Take the food and appreciate it."

You take a seat next to Saiki on the floor and take a bite into your beautiful cheesecake. A huge smile appears on your face as you savour its sweet taste. Whilst eating, you see Saiki eyeing your cake.

Y/N - "Saiki, do you want some?"

Saiki - "...No."

Saiki's hesitant response and desperate look makes you laugh.

Y/N - "Are you sure? You're looking at my cheesecake some type of way right now."

Saiki - "I'm not!"

You giggle and push a spoonful of cheesecake towards Saiki.

Y/N - "Here. Take a bite."

Saiki was fairly taken aback by your sudden generosity.

Saiki - "I'd like a bite, but I refuse to be spoon fed by you."

Y/N - "Don't be so stubborn and take a bite."

Saiki - "...Fine."

Saiki sighs and puts his face closer to the spoon and eats the cheesecake. He pulls away and glances at you. You swear you saw a light blush coat his cheeks as he looked towards you. Neither of you spoke for a bit, only deciding to maintain eye contact. It was completely quiet until the mutual gaze shared between you 2 broke as you heard someone open the front door downstairs. Disappointed by the interruption, you sigh and look away from Saiki slightly.

Saiki - "Is that your dad?"

Y/N - "If it wasn't my dad that would be quite concerning, wouldn't it?"

You get up and leave your room to greet your dad. Saiki is left alone with his thoughts, and smiles slightly to himself whilst thinking of you.

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now