Chapter 12

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking


Saiki POV

It was the beginning of the school day and Saiki was simply sitting at his desk, zoning out. He was still thinking about what happened a few days ago with Y/N; he couldn't help but feel a little joyful when the thought crossed his mind.

Saiki - 'First name basis, huh...'

Saiki was so immersed in his thoughts he failed to notice a certain glowing girl approach his desk. The blue-haired girl stood for a minute next to him without saying anything, waiting for him to finally acknowledge her. Getting annoyed by the lack of attention, she decides to speak up.

Teruhashi - "Saiki-kun, good morning!"

Saiki gets snapped out of his deep contemplation session and turns his head to face her. Irritated by the interruption, he sighs and subtly rolls his eyes.

Saiki - "Good morning, Teruhashi-san."

The girl blushes at finally being recognised and tucks her navy blue hair behind her ear, slightly embarrassed about what she's about to ask him.

Teruhashi - "S-So, Saiki-kun, I've been meaning to ask you something..."

Saiki - "What?"

Startled and a little offended by his bluntness, she dusts herself off and collects her composure, making sure not to break her facade.

Teruhashi - "W-Would you like to go out with me after school?"

Saiki grits his teeth, somewhat frustrated he couldn't avoid this due to being so consumed by his own thoughts. He knew declining a Teruhashi invite would lead to major consequences, attempting to get away from a girl loved by God was almost impossible. Trying to avoid attracting attention, Saiki attempts to quickly decline.

Saiki - "I'm busy today, sorry."

Shocked and humiliated by the rejection, Teruhashi continues to persist, much to Saiki's dismay.

Teruhashi - "T-Then how about tomorrow!?"

Saiki - 'Good grief, you really can't take no for an answer, can you...?"


You were chatting with Kaidou as usual, discussing your plans against Dark Reunion. You always enjoyed how weird and crazy your conversations were with him and you found his thoughts interesting and entertaining.

Kaidou - "So anyway, I was trying to find their secret base yesterday and I think I have some leads!!"

You sweetly smile at him, amused by his creative imagination. Your adorable grin causes the boy to go completely red in the face. He absolutely loved how someone would finally listen to him and his fantasies without making fun of him; it made him feel validated. You continue to listen intently to him, until your attention got diverted and you somehow found yourself looking at Saiki again.

You couldn't help but notice how Teruhashi was attempting to ask him out repeatedly, despite also getting repeatedly rejected. You glared at her, for some reason getting irritated by her perseverance. Clenching your fists, you abruptly stand up from your seat.

Y/N - "Shun, do you mind waiting? It seems I have to solve a problem."

Kaidou gets startled by your sudden annoyance, worrying it was because of his continuous rambling.

Kaidou - "I-I don't mind! Take your time!"

Y/N - "Thanks, Shun, I'll be right back!"

Disguising your anger, you walk normally towards Saiki and Teruhashi, doing your best to retain your calmness.

Y/N - "Kusuo! Are we still on after school!"

Teruhashi eyes you up and down in disgust, whilst Saiki's eyes widen at your unexpected question.

Saiki - "We're going out after school?"

Y/N - "Of course, dummy! Did you forget?"

Pissed off by your intrusion, Teruhashi refuses to back down without a fight.

Teruhashi - "I see, you 2 are going out today! So, I guess you're free to go out with me tomorrow, right Saiki-kun?"

You death stare her right in the eye and smirk at her.

Y/N - "That sounds like it would be fun for you, but I'm going out with Kusuo then too, Baruhashi!"

Teruhashi - "Hehe~ my name's Teruhashi, sorry if you're unable to remember that!"

Saiki awkwardly looks at both of you, watching the large amount of passive aggressiveness taking place between you 2.

Teruhashi - "So, Saiki-kun, when are you free?"

Y/N - "Kusuo's always busy hanging out with me, so never!"

Teruhashi - "L/N, I asked Saiki-kun, not you. No offense, I don't mean to come across as rude or anything~"

You furrow your eyebrows at her, seconds away from bitch slapping her.

Teruhashi - "So, Saiki-kun, when are you free?"

Saiki looks at Teruhashi then back at you, a little intimidated by the anger clearly visible in your face. A small smile appears on his face though, he couldn't help but feel a little flattered you were so envious.

Saiki - "Sorry, Y/N's right, I'm really busy."

You attempt to hide your absolute delight whilst the colour completely drains from Teruhashi's face, disgraced by the defeat. She tries to disguise her anger with a close-eyed smile and leaves, making her way back to her seat. You let out a wide grin once she's no longer there, happy with your victory.

Saiki - "Always busy hanging out with me, huh?"

The smile fades from your face as you realise he has the upper hand, and he's completely ready to take the piss out of you.

Y/N - "I don't wanna hear jack shit from you, douchebag."

Saiki - "I have no clue what you mean. I was just making a comment on how passionate you were about being with me."

Y/N - "Passionate!? Don't make me laugh. I was just saving you from that girl's wrath."

Saiki - "Really? Was that your only motive?"

Y/N - "Of course. Don't try and speculate, Sherlock."

Saiki places his cheek on the palm of his hand, admiring how unusually shaken up you were. He found it weird how this time he was the one teasing you, not the other way round.

Saiki - "You have to stick to what you said though."

Y/N - "W-What? You expect me to hang out with you everyday?"

Saiki - "How else will you deter Baruhashi away from me, Y/N?"

You giggled a bit at his out of character playfulness, a light red tint dusting your cheeks. Saiki raises his eyebrows, secretly finding this shy side of you a little cute.

Y/N - "Fine. We can hangout as much as you want, Ku."

As you and Saiki continued the back and forth teasing, a light-blue haired boy was looking at both of you with a dejected look on his face.

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