Chapter 14

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'Yare yare' - Peoples thoughts

'Yare yare' - Saikis thoughts

"Yare yare" - People speaking

"Yare yare" - Saiki speaking


Kusuo POV

Kusuo and Y/N were walking home together after school, once again engrossed in another heated conversation. It became normal for Y/N to always spend time at Kusuo's house or vice versa; it was partly to repel Teruhashi (and various other people), but also because they just enjoyed hanging out with each other. Despite them always arguing back and forth, both of them secretly enjoyed the subtle flirting shared between them.

Whilst chatting away, a baseball comes flying out of nowhere and hits Kusuo right in the head.

Y/N - "Gosh, are you alright!?"

Y/N throws the baseball back at the player and checks Kusuo's head for any serious injury.

Kusuo - "Good grief, I'm fine."

Y/N - "A baseball just came flying right at your head and you say you're fine?!"

Y/N continues to inspect, checking for any wounds. She soon notices the pink ball from his antenna is gone, as are various other parts.

Y/N - "Kusuo, your hair clip is broken. The pink ball thing is gone and the rest is in pieces."

Kusuo - "What did you just say!?"

Y/N - "The pink ball from your antenna-"

Cutting Y/N off mid sentence, Kusuo completely collapses.

Kusuo - 'I have to pass out to avoid injuring Y/N; I could seriously hurt her right now.'

Right before he hits the ground, Y/N just about manages to catch him.

Y/N - "Shit, Kusuo, I knew you weren't alright!"

She places Kusuo around her shoulder and gathers all of her strength, attempting not to completely drop him. She was thankful Kusuo was both short and skinny or else there's no way she'd be able to carry him at all. Out of complete determination and willpower, Y/N manages to get both herself and Kusuo back to his house.


Y/N rings the doorbell, praying one of his parents would answer soon before her body completely gives out. She felt as if she was about to collapse any second, just like what Kusuo did. Luckily, his mother opens the door just a few seconds after.

Kurumi - "Ku-chan! Y/N, what happened!?"

Y/N - "Just a little baseball incident."

You take him inside and drop him onto the sofa, you dropping down along with him. You take a few seconds to catch your breath and explain what happened to his parents.

Kuniharu - "Y/N, where'd his antenna thing go!?"

Y/N - "He got hit in the head by a baseball and it broke his hair clip or whatever it is. Do you think you could fix it?"

Kuniharu takes the disassembled antenna and examines it for a few seconds.

Kuniharu - "I-I'm not so sure I'm exactly qualified enough to."

Kusuo - "Please, I beg you."

Y/N's eyes widen and she looks down to the side of her to face Kusuo.

Y/N - "Kusuo, you're awake?"

Kusuo - "Yes, I am but I can't move. I need my antenna to be fixed."

𝖒𝖞 𝖓𝖚𝖎𝖘𝖆𝖓𝖈𝖊 - 𝖘𝖆𝖎𝖐𝖎 𝖐 𝖝 𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖉𝖊𝖗Where stories live. Discover now