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The following two days passed by rather slowly, much to Hyunjin's dismay. Thursday had been an absolute hell, as there was no training with Chan to fill in the morning. He also wasn't as fast of a learner as Seungmin had hoped he would be, as he constantly made the same mistake getting the 'ae' and 'eo'  mixed up, among some other things. Still, his 'teacher' was patient enough and surely they moved on to more than just vowels.

On Friday, Minho woke him up late again, informing Hyunjin that Changbin's work had been extended to that day as well. It was a bit dissapointing, but nothing could be done. Hyunjin went to practice with Chan again, study with Seungmin and in the evening, he went out into the garden with Minho and Felix. The latter of the two had been extremely bored whilst Changbin was working away at his desk, complaining about how the prince didn't need anything when he was focussed on work.

"I asked him if he needed some more tea, but he told me he was fine and that I was dismissed! I did leave some tea for him though, regardless of whether he said he was fine or not. He neglects himself too much when he's working and won't realise he's dried up!"

"I'm sure he appreciated that, Felix."

No matter how many times Hyunjin would tell the boy not to address him with 'master', Felix would refuse. He'd say that he didn't want to slip up in front of other servants and get them to spread nasty rumors, which apparently was something they were very good at.
Hyunjin had passed by an exhausted looking Jisung on the way back to his room that evening, and the two stopped to hold a quick conversation. He had been to every single meeting the prince had attended, and after those were finished he would run errands out of the palace. He had been all over the place without a lot of sleep, resulting in him wanting to crash on his bed and sleep forever.

"Tomorrow everything will be normal again, right? Sleep well tonight and lets do something fun then." Hyunjin had offered with a smile, causing Jisung to simply nod and return one.
Right now, it was the following morning. Hyunjin was about to head out together with Minho, when a knock was heard on the door. Minho opened it for him, showing that Changbin was waiting on the other side.

"Good morning, I'm sorry I had to leave you to yourself for an extra day. Shall we head to the dining hall?"

"Good morning, sure!" Hyunjin walked up towards the prince, greeting him as well as Felix, Chan and Jisung. It was somewhat ridiculous that Changbin was accompanied by this many people, but Hyunjin refrained from commenting on it. "And don't worry about that. Sometimes duty calls, you know?" He added on, whilst the large group made their way towards the dining hall.

"That is true, there is sadly some things I just have to do. Especially now that my father is becoming weaker by the day, I have to work harder and pick up his load as well. I guess it does prepare me better for when I become king, though."

"That's true, though it doesn't make it less tedious to do." Changbin just looked at Hyunjin, small smile on his lips as he said nothing. They reached the dining hall and quickly took their respective seats opposite of each other, before the maids came out to serve their breakfast. The two didn't hesitate to dig in, Hyunjin still not used to the expensive foods that were cooked for him to eat.

"So, Hyunjin. I was wondering if you've had a proper tour of the palace yet?" Changbin asked.

"Not really? I have been around a part of the garden though, as well as to the wing with the library."

"I see. I was thinking about showing you around, just the two of us." Hyunjin looked up from his plate, locking eyes with the prince before they darted over to Jisung and then Chan. "Yes, without anyone else. Seeing we won't leave the perimeter, I don't see a problem with it. What do you say?"

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