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It had been five days since the coronation and more importantly to some, the day Hyunjin and Changbin finally started dating. The two were currently sat on opposite sides of each other, the black and white checkered board laying inbetween them on the table.
Hyunjin was about to move his knight forward, complete focus on defending his queen which was being threathened by Changbin's bishop.

"Are you sure about that, Jinnie?"

"Wha— shush! You're just trying to distract me!" Hyunjin responded, placing the knight down in full commitment. He stuck out his tongue to the other boy, happy with his defense before his eyes widened when Changbin moved his other bishop dangerously close to his king.


"Shit." Hyunjin mumbled, realising his only way of defending his king was by moving the knight away from his queen. He'd just given away his knight and his queen because he made a mistake.

"How do you see this far..." He whined, pouting as he moved the knight to defend his king, as there really was no other choice.
He watched as his knight was taken by the black bishop before he took the piece with his queen, which was then in turn taken away by Changbin's tower.

"I hate this game." Hyunjin eventually said as he watched Changbin corner his king into a checkmate.

"Oh come on, I'm sure you'll beat me eventually. I just have the upper hand because my dad played it a lot with me."

"Still... It's just not fun." Hyunjin took one of Changbin's pawns, which he still had three of, off the board. His last ditch effort had failed and with two more moves, Changbin had won.

"Checkmate!" He beamed, slightly proud of winning even though he knew Hyunjin had only played it a handful of times during his stay.
It was at that moment that Chan walked in, watching Hyunjin mutter the same word back mockingly as Changbin just laughed evilly.

"Hey guys, there's a surprise waiting for you in the main hall!" He said, smile wide as his eyes held a mischievous glint in them. Hyunjin saw his opportunity to flee from a potential fourth round of chess, instantly getting up from his chair as he nearly bumped it into Minho.


"Oopsie, my bad!" Hyunjin laughed, causing Minho to just huff in slight annoyance before he started walking after the boy. Felix and Changbin left the room as well, a bit behind Hyunjin as the boy was oddly excited to see the surprise. He reached the end of the hallways and walked into the balustrade, when he looked down and instantly halted in his tracks.

"Mom?! Dad?!" He said, voice raised as his eyes were blown wide. His parents and siblings looked up as they heard his familiar voice, all of their eyes shining when they landed upon him.


It was enough to kick some sense back into him. His friends had just caught up to him, staring down at the family as Hyunjin took off in a full sprint. He definitely skipped some steps and nearly tripped over his own feet twice as he dodged some workers, not having the time to think about how funny it would've looked, as he reached the ground level. He jumped right into his mother's arms as the rest of his family joined the hug.

His friends watched as they slowly walked down the stairs. Changbin's body was immediately tensed up, suddenly nervous as he was about to meet Hyunjin's parents.

"I missed you so much! Oh hi Yeyeong, you're here too." Hyunjin said, not missing the chance to tease his little sister. However none of them missed the tears of joy building up in his eyes. His parents told him the same, his father squishing the boy's cheeks as he planted a kiss on Hyunjin's forehead. It caused everyone's hearts to warm at the sight in front of them.

Not for you. | ChangjinWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu