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Two days had passed since the funeral and more workers had returned to the palace, causing the halls to feel a bit more alive. It was still obvious that everyone still felt very strange but it would take some time to adjust and with time, the liveliness would return.
Hyunjin sat with Jeongin and Seungmin in the library again, which had become their typical hangout spot over the course of the past few weeks. Minho had a day off together with Jisung, so their group was a bit smaller than usual. It caused Hyunjin to listen more to the two boys rather than speak himself, letting Seungmin talk about whatever topic he could come up with. In turn, he'd observe the way Jeongin listened attentively and how the boy's eyes would shine brightly.

"I've never seen one in person but they way you describe them makes me want to hug one as soon as possible!" Jeongin responded after listening to Seungmin explain what a koala is.

"They can be pretty dangerous though... I would not recommend."

"But then why do they sound like they look so... hugable?! It's not fair." Jeongin fell back into his chair with a groan, sad that he'd never be able to hold the animal. Not like he had a chance in the first place, as they clearly didn't live in their country, but Seungmin decided not to tell him that as well.

"You can also just hug Seungmin instead." Hyunjin said in the most casual tone he could muster.

"What?!" "W-What?"

"You know, because Seungmin looks like a cute stray puppy. He's... probably, less dangerous as well."

"I wouldn't count on that last part, Hwang." Seungmin clearly joked. "I'm sure I can bite until you bleed."

"Wow, I'm so threatened!"

The three continued talking and bickering amongst themselves, Jeongin blushing occasionally whenever Seungmin threw a flirtatious comment his way. Hyunjin was surprised to see how confident the bookworm was, but it just made it all the more adorable. Maybe he could learn more than just reading and writing from the younger.
Just as Hyunjin was going to back up a comment the boy had made, Chan, Felix and Changbin came walking in.

"Hey guys!" Jeongin waved, signalling for them to come over to their table.

"Hey!" Felix responded sweetly, smile big on his face as he waiting for Changbin to take a seat. The prince placed a small stack of newspapers on the table before shoving it towards Hyunjin.

"Good afternoon." He said as he watched his friend pick up the newspaper that lay on top, reading the massive headline slowly as his eyes widened.

"What is this... 'Prince shows off his new fiancé during father's funeral'? Shows off? They can't be serious right, that's so disrespectful."

"So you two are actually engaged?!" Jeongin asked as he noticed the lack of denial leaving Hyunjin's mouth. All other boys raised their eyebrows at him as if to say they couldn't believe that he fell for the headline. "What? You didn't deny it!"

"Oh? That's true... Hyunjin if you like the idea you can just say so." The prince spoke with an undertone that was either teasing or flirting, Hyunjin couldn't tell. He also didn't know how to respond.

"Ehm, anyways! Why would they write this headline, can't they just talk about the fact that the ceremony was beautiful instead?"

"Oh that's mentioned on page two. They just need a banger of a story on the cover to sell their newspaper... But uhm..." Seungmin responded as he spread out the other news papers, each cover story about Hyunjin and Changbin— or rather, the mysterious handsome boy and Changbin.

"Well at least they think you're handsome?" Felix said and Hyunjin just scoffed as a response.

"The mysterious boy was captured holding hands with the prince during an emotional service, leading many to believe the two might be in a relationship. This theory seems even more plausible when you remember that the prince recently gathered—bla bla bla. What a load of crap." Seungmin read out loud, causing the others to laugh.

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