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When the large group finally entered the stables, they had all expected to eat some dinner before crashing onto their beds for a well deserved rest. However, when they returned Changbin was met with an extremely anxious looking Felix running towards him.

Like, full on sprinting.

It would have been a funny sight to see any other moment because everyone was well aware that Felix did not like extensive exercise, however any fun that could be had from the view was stripped away in an instant. It was just Changbin, Hyunjin and Jisung who were standing with each other as Chan had stepped away with Jeongin to help him with his horse.

"Felix, what's wrong?" Jisung asked, voice laced with worry as a pit formed in his stomach. 'Whatever it is, it can't be good'.

"Ch-Changbin hyung! It's—" Felix was breathing heavily, hands on his knees as he was taking in as much oxygen as possible.

"Hey, calm down. Breath for a second, it's alright." Changbin said, resting his hand on Felix' shoulder as he made the boy stand straight. Folding over certainly wouldn't let his lungs take in the air he desperately needed. He shook his head frantically.

"No, it's urgent. It's— It's the king."


No one dared to ask what was wrong, likely because everyone had an incling to what the boy was referring to. Changbin's grip tightened around Felix' shoulder in slight panic, but he kept his facial expression frozen.
The youngests' breathing was stable enough that he could semi-calmly explain what was wrong, with some deep breaths inbetween words.

"He collapsed during lunch today. I'm sorry hyung... The doctors say he's likely to not make it through the night. I've been staring out the windows waiting for you to come back because you have to go see him. Immediately."

Another silence filled the stables. Hyunjin's eyes darted between Changbin to Jisung constantly, worry shown in his own. Neither boy really showed much expression and it almost felt like they'd turned into statues, before Jisung slowly reached out his hand to softly grab onto Changbin's. He squeezed it softly, grabbing his brother out of his daze.

"Lets go see him?" Jisung said in a whisper, voice cracking slightly as Changbin nodded in response.

Hyunjin didn't know what to do and it seemed like Felix didn't know either.

"I'll wait for you in your room." Felix finally said to which he again only received a nod.

"Accompany Hyunjin to his own, please." Changbin said before him and Jisung started walking away in a quick pace. The two remaining boys watched them dissapear, not saying a word for at least a couple of minutes.

"Good god." Hyunjin then said, breathing out heavily as the anxiety had pent up in his stomach.

"Is it really that serious?" He asked softly, not really knowing the details of the king's condition.

"Yeah... I haven't seen him but one of his guards told me that the only reason he's still alive right now is because his will to see Changbin— and probably Jisung too, is stronger than anything else. It makes me want to cry, honestly."

"Oh..." Hyunjin didn't know what to say, but he felt his eyes tear up slightly as well. It hit him in that moment that both boys would lose their parent again. For Changbin's mother, he had never known her, yet that didn't mean not having her didn't leave a hole. As for Jisung, he had lost his entire family once before and now he had to lose someone he deemed his father for the second time.

Life wasn't fair.

It was the consensus Hyunjin came to as he sat down on the couch in his bedroom, Felix rushing out to get Minho for him. It wasn't fair to those that were kind and truly deserved the most. People like Changbin and Jisung, who always had their hearts in the right place.
Now that he sat all alone, he wished he could do something to be of any kind of support for his friends. It might be aweful to say goodbye to their father, but the days that follow will be just as hard. Who knows how fast Changbin will be inaugurated? Hyunjin wasn't sure if he could help him at all and it made him feel worthless. He didn't even know how to console someone who was mourning.

Not for you. | ChangjinDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora