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I've been working at the hospital for 3 months and it's kind of great. Some intern called Andrew has moved in with me, Amelia and Arizona. Our group is shrinking. Richard had a girlfriend and Teddy is spending loads of time with Owen now she's pregnant with his baby. Carina also moved back to Italy to help her father or something. It's pretty much me, Arizona, Amelia and April.

- y/n : Andrew hurry the fuck up. I'm cold and tired.

- Andrew : Look. I'm done. That wasn't so hard was it?

- y/n : That's what she said

- Andrew : Wow. Really y/n? I'm going to tell yours sister and Robbins that you said that

- y/n : I'm gay. They know I'm gay. Jeez, get with the program kid

- Andrew : I don't appreciate being called 'kid'

It's banter. I promise. Me and Andrew just get along. Like cousins that's barely see each other but always connect at the family party. Yeah I don't know how to explain it. We got home to Rowan sat on the doorstep.

- y/n : Hey Rowan. Aren't you supposed to be at school. It's an important year

- Rowan : They sent me home but Derek said I wasn't ill and that I should go back there so I came here

- y/n : Oh sure. Come in. What's up?

- Rowan : Okay so most people get chicken pox when they're Zola's age. Well she bought it home and I've never had it so I've got it now.

- y/n : Ohhh, okay. Want something to eat? HEY, Stop scratching

- Rowan : Mashed Potato please. I think I've got chicken pox in my mouth

- Andrew : Arizona is going to be home in an hour. She can check that considering the fact she deals with kids on a daily basis

Arizona came home and checked Rowan's mouth for chicken pox. She had them everywhere and was finding it hard not to itch so I sat and watched a film with her. All she ate for the next 4 days was mashed potato. By the 5th day she was feeling better and was online.

- y/n : What you two doing?

- Rowan : Amelia is helping me apply to college. I'm thinking of applying to NYU

- Amelia : She doesn't think she'll get into Harvard or Stanford and 'she can't afford the fees'

- y/n : You would so get into Harvard or Stanford. As for fees, don't worry we'll cover them. I'm making lunch, who wants what?

- Amelia : Cheese toastie for me

- Rowan : Mashed Potato with garlic salt in it please

I was in the middle of mashing the potato's when my phone rang. Ahh my sister in law. I had told her Rowan was staying with us and she calls to makes sure she's okay.

- Meredith : Hey Bestie

- y/n : I'm making lunch at the minute, your on loud speaker

- Meredith : Okay. I'm going to drop by on- clamp, thank you. I'm going to come over later

- y/n : Meredith are you in surgery? You should be focussing

- Meredith : It's just an appendectomy. I can do these with my eyes closed, a phone call doesn't change that

- y/n : Okay. Arizona is making dinner if your stopping over for that. You also need to talk about college with Rowan because she thinks she can't go to Harvard or Stanford because she won't get in or she can't afford it

- Meredith : Okay. See you in a bit y/n/n

I don't get that woman. She can do a surgery while on the phone. Literally who does that. Me, Amelia, Andrew and Rowan were watching.


- Rowan : My throat still hurts

- Meredith : And Ice cream. Specifically for you Rowan

- y/n : Amyyyy

- Amelia : Y/nnnnnn

- y/n : Shut up. Can we go out tonighttt? I need to get laid

- Rowan : Woah, tmi

- y/n : Don't act like you spent yesterday trying to justify why Chris Evans is hot

- Rowan : But he isss

- Meredith I have to agree with Rowan there

I just want a night out. Not getting kissed or anything because yeah but going out and having a one night stand sounds great. Honestly sounds really good right now.

- Amelia : On one condition 

- y/n : Yeah?

- Amelia : Me and Arizona don't have to be in the house while you sleep with someone. I've gone this long not hearing my little sister have sex, I don't need that ruined

- y/n : Fine. Go get ready. We're going out

- Amelia : What have I signed up for. Arizona, love, we're going out with y/n tonight

Amelia and Arizona run upstairs giggling. Probably to shower or watch each other get dressed. They're gross like that.

- Meredith : Love?

- y/n : They've not been hiding it anymore. Apparently they were together since before I got here. AMY, MEREDITH KNOWS YOU LIKE ARIZONA'S BOOBS

- Amelia: WHAT. SHIT.

- y/n : It's fine. I think we're going to a lesbian bar anyway. All women. It's going to be great.

- Meredith : Rowan you gotta come home with me. I don't know who y/n will bring home. We're off. Don't die tonight

- y/n : I won't. Night

Tonight's going to be fun.

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