Chapter 22 | Fate?

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Everybody had to reassure the apologizing Alexander. He didn't shut up about how bad he felt that the night is ruined, but they of course brushed it off, blaming it all on Scarlett.

When he finally calmed down by his friend's words and Bella's kisses, they continued having their dinner in peace and holiday spirit. But that ended soon enough, the time going much faster when you have fun and you're surrounded by people you care deeply for.

Both Alexander and Bella walk their friends out as hosts of their gathering and hug everyone goodbye, telling each other that they will see them soon.

When they come back up to Alexander's apartment they both look in awe at the two little humans sleeping on the couch, cuddled up against each other. Alexander goes and takes Jaxon in his arms while Bella does the same with Stella. They take them to his guest room, put them on the bed, put blankets over them, and leave a dimmed light on before they close the door and let them enjoy their dreamland.

And all the while Alexander can't help but imagine if this is how it would be if he and Bella make a future family. He definitely sees himself as her husband and the father of their children, and he can only hope that she's picturing the same future as him.

Alexander smiles as he walks toward Bella who is currently cleaning the dishes and he stands beside her to take the towel and a plate away from her hands. "Love, you've been working enough for today. Go get ready for bed while I finish this." He kisses the side of her head as he continues what she was doing.

"I don't mind-"

She couldn't finish her sentence because of a look he gave her, telling her to drop it. Even though she might not be tired or just hides it well, he won't let her do anything anymore for the night.

"Okay." She gives up and stands on her tippy toes to leave a kiss on his cheek before going to the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Alexander continues wiping the dishes with a smile on his face, caused by the small gesture and he can't help but feel happy when he's done in the kitchen. He can finally join her in bed and cuddle her until they both fall into slumber.


"I'll be right back, okay?" Alexander tells her as he gets ready to drive Jaxon and Stella back to the orphanage. They are all sad that they have to go but they promised to see them soon.

"Okay." Bella nods and walks towards the two little humans waiting by the entrance hallway. "Give me a hug you two." She squats down and spreads her arms so she can embrace them both at the same time.

They both run into her arms and have a group hug before they finally have to go. Their little hands wave at her as they leave the apartment and she waves back, smiling as she watches them interlock their little hands and walk side by side towards the elevator.

Then Bella turns towards her man that is putting his jacket on before he leans down and pecks her lips, telling her that he'll be back soon as he closes the door behind him.

Bella turns around and looks over the apartment, contemplating what she should do while she waits for Alexander to come back. Then her eyes fall on a door near the kitchen that she saw on the first day she came into his home.

Her curiosity kicks in and she walks toward it, opens the door, and stands in awe as she looks at the room that is supposed to be Alexander's storage for all of his art. Her eyes go over some familiar photos she has already seen at his exhibition or the ones she saw when she searched more about him on the internet.

There are also some shelves that are filled with tons of photographs that she has never seen before. She walks towards one shelf, one photograph, in particular, catching her eye. She takes it in her hand and her heart almost stops when she looks at it.

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