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Alexander leaves a gentle kiss on Bella's forehead as he tries to slowly get out of bed without disturbing her sleep.

He's been awake for about two hours already, he had to do something the second he woke up because if he didn't he wouldn't feel calm. The sudden decision just hit him and he needed to take care of that.

After that, he couldn't go back to sleep so he just stayed in bed and cuddled with the love of his life.

But now he has to get up and be faster than Tony who is on his way to their apartment with Alexander's photographs.

He decided that he can't go through his exhibition, he doesn't want anybody to see those photographs. Not because they are not beautiful or that his muse isn't beautiful. He just doesn't want people to see his muse like that. It's only his to have and watch.

When he receives a text from Tony, Alexander goes to open his door and let Tony and his men enter. He didn't want them to ring the doorbell and wake Bella up.

"Here you go man. It's a bummer that you are canceling your exhibition but I get it and respect it." Tony tells him and Alexander smiles.

"Thanks man." He pats him on the shoulder and after some minutes of talking, Tony and his men leave the apartment and Alexander goes into the kitchen to make breakfast after admiring the photographs for some seconds.

He smiles when after some minutes he feels small arms wrap around him from behind and hold him tight.

"Good morning, baby." He turns around and holds Bella by the waist to bring her closer and have her against him.

"Good morning." She smiles after she receives a kiss and leans her head on his chest.

"How did you sleep?" He caresses her back as he asks the question but also checks on the breakfast so it doesn't burn.

"Really well, I think I didn't sleep so good ever until now." She chuckles but makes him smile.

"Me too." He kisses her forehead and moves them so he can plate their breakfast while still holding her.

"Why are the photographs here? Isn't your exhibition in a few days?" Bella asks the question she's been meaning to ask the second she saw the pictures in the hallway and the living room.

"I canceled it." His answer makes her gasp in shock and he smiles at her reaction.

"What? Why?" She pulls away to look at him while he speaks.

"Because I'm too selfish to share you with anyone...my favorite piece of art." He smiles and leans down to kiss her.

If she wasn't shocked before she definitely is now or even more because of the sentence he just uttered.

Bella can't even start describing what this man makes her feel. 

She came so far with him. She learned how to love herself and love all about herself. She learned how to trust again and how to be free and not scared to talk about anything that comes to her mind. She learned that she doesn't need to change herself just to be accepted or be loved.

She found herself. She believes in herself. She is not scared to do anything she wants because she knows she won't be alone while doing it. She knows she will have people supporting her and cheering her on.

She learned how to accept her flaws and not settle for less.

Alexander showed her that you can be vulnerable and not be ashamed of it. He showed her that there will always be someone when you fall, that will wait for you with open arms and be there for you.

He is that someone.

Her anchor, that will hold her grounded and stable when she doesn't feel like it.

He will be her rock that she can lean on when she needs it.

He will be her safe space that she can run to when she needs comfort, safety, and love.

He will be everything to her. Everything that she needs.

And she will do the same for him.

She will be there when he needs her the most. To comfort him, to make him smile when he is sad, to love him, and help him get back on his feet when he feels down. She will be there, all the way. For happy and sad. For everything.

And she knows he will do the same. He will be there.

For her.

For his muse.

For his...

favorite piece of art...


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