Chapter 26 | Final goodbye

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Bella hugged Nate goodbye after their classes were over and she made her way towards the exit where Alexander is supposed to be waiting for her. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest and her cheeks warming up at the thought of seeing him after what happened this morning. Even though it was the first time they were intimate in that way and they saw each other completely uncovered, it doesn't make her feel any less shy than she was before.

As she opens the heavy door of her university, she sees him standing by his car, his eyes searching his surroundings. But when his eyes move from one side to the other, taking in the scenery in front of him, his eyes connect with hers and he starts feeling exactly like she does.

Out of nervousness, he averts his gaze to the ground but unconsciously makes Bella feel a little better because now she knows she's not the only one shying away. She silently was when she comes closer and sees the matching red tint on his cheeks but quietly greets him.


"Hi, love." He bites on his lower lip but pulls her closer and gives her a sweet kiss, his mind still repeating their moment from this morning. It's gonna be a while to forget it because it was his first time being intimate like that with someone but more importantly, it was the first time with her and that just makes his heart beat heavily in his chest.

"How was your day?" He asks her after they got into his car. They both put their seat belts on and he starts driving as she answers his question. "It was good. I had lunch with Caroline and Nate." She says with a smile but asks him the same question. "How was yours?"

"It was good as well. I got a call from one of the places I thought of renting out for my exhibition. Would you like to check it out with me?" He turns to look at her for a second before he focuses back on the road. "Of course." She replies while playing with his hand that he put on her thigh the second he started driving.

Alexander smiles and lifts their hands to leave a kiss on her knuckles and then puts them back in her lap as he takes a turn towards the art gallery. They arrive soon enough and as always Alexander goes out of the car first to open the door for her and take her hands in his as they walk towards the entrance.

"Alexander, so nice to see you again!" A man dressed in slacks, a sweater with a  scarf around his neck and a big smile on his face greets him and shakes Alexander's hand happily. "Hey, Tony. How have you been?" Alexander smiles back, politely shaking Tony's hand. They already worked together in the past so that is one of the reasons why Alexander choose Tony's gallery, knowing it's a safe place and probably the one he will choose for his exhibition. And, his previous cooperation with Tony could get him a good offer when it comes to money and paying for the space.

"I've been good my guy. How are you though? I see you have brought company." Tony glances at Bella who stands a few steps behind Alexander. "She's a cute little thing. Girlfriend?" He walks toward Bella and smiles warmly as he extends his hand for her to shake.

"Tony, nice to meet you, dear."

"Bella, nice to meet you as well." Bella smiles back and gently shakes his hand.

"So?" He turns to Alexander waiting for the answer to his previous question.

"Yeah, she is my girlfriend and my muse," Alexander says proudly as he wraps his arm around Bella's waist. Tony looks at Bella with a knowing glint in his eyes and his smile grows even bigger. "Ohh, finally found someone worth being called yours huh."

Tony knows all about Alexander's values and beliefs, he even admires him for it. It was rare for a person to think like he does, especially for a man and he knew the day he sees him with a woman on his arm, she is the one.

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