Chapter 1 | Alexander Hart

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There was a sound of a ringtone repeating itself on Bella's nightstand. It was supposed to wake her up so she wouldn't be late for her classes, but that annoying sound almost never does its job well.

She stirs in her sleep but not because she is waking up. It's only to change her sleeping position and hide under the covers. Even though the sound is so loud and just above her head it doesn't do anything for her, but it does for her roommate that is also her best friend. Caroline.

The said girl tiredly goes out of her room and enters Bella's room while rubbing her eye to help her adjust to the bright sunlight that comes through the window and lights up their whole apartment.

She turns off the alarm and shakes the sleeping girl to try and wake her, but it seems that doesn't work. Caroline heaves a sigh as she shakes her again but gets the same result.

She sakes her head as she puts her hands on her waist and takes a deep breath. "Oh my God Bella! There is a fire!!!"

This doesn't work either and Caroline's eyes widen in disbelief. She shakes her head as she makes her way out of the room and goes towards the kitchen. She thinks that Bella probably took some sleeping pills last night and that's the reason she is hard to wake up.

Her face softens at the thought. This week wasn't easy for her best friend since it was the anniversary of her mother's death. And she probably took the pills to help her instead of crying herself to sleep.

Caroline tries to not make a noise while looking for a frying pan -even though she's sure Bella wouldn't hear it- and then pulls a drawer to take a spoon and get back into Bella's room.


She counts as she lifts the pan and the spoon in the air before she collides the two objects, making a loud annoying noise. It seems to work though. She stops banging the spoon into the pan when her best friend pulls the covers off and looks at Caroline while rubbing her eyes.

"What are you doing?" the sleepy girl questions as her eyebrows furrow.

"Oh, nothing. Just practicing for the marching band class." Caroline shrugs her shoulders.

"You joined the marching band?" Bella asks seriously but her best friend gives her a look making Bella understand that she was being sarcastic. "Ohh..."

"Come on, you'll be late for class."

Bella nods as she stretches her limbs before sitting up on her bed. Her best friend is still in the room looking at her tired and sad expression.

"Are you feeling okay?" Caroline sits next to her and rubs her back, not liking to see her so sad. Bella is only able to nod and this worries her. "Are you sure? You don't have to go if you need some time for yourself."

"No really, I'm fine. And I have to go, I need to give the photos to the prof today so he can evaluate them."

"Okay." Caroline nods. "If you need to talk or know where to find me." She smiles and feels relieved when Bella returns it.

Caroline is not the type that is comfortable sharing or talking about her feelings, hence why she asked that question awkwardly. But Bella doesn't mind that, she's actually fine with it because she doesn't like opening up to people either. But both girls are always there for each other if they need to vent their feelings out.


"Girl! Hurry up, you have five more minutes!" Caroline informs her best friend that is currently putting her photos nicely into a file before she grabs her camera.

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