Chapter 27 | Machiavellian

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*A/N: Hey guys, I suggest you to play the song above when the mature content starts, enjoy ;)

Alexander smiles as he texts Bella that he's on his way home. He is happy that he will spend some time with her. Not that it's just been a couple of hours since they saw each other but that man can't go too long without her.

But his smile vanishes when he sees who's standing in front of his apartment door. Scarlett.

"What the hell are you doing here!?" His blood starts to boil just at the mere sight of her. "I told you that I don't want you near me or to see you ever again." He walks closer and grabs his keys from his pants pockets.

"I know you don't want to see me but I'm sure you will want to see this." She pulls out a yellow envelope from her purse. She knows that the only way she will get attention from him is if she goes straight to the point and does not start an argument with him about how he shouldn't talk to her like that.

"What is that?" His eyebrows furrow as he looks down at the envelope.

"I'll show you when we get inside." She annoys him and he lets out a low grunt, not hiding his displeasure at seeing her which makes her feel a little bit hurt. 

 As he opens the door he walks towards the kitchen and hears her following him. His smile comes back when he sees a pink sticky note on the empty plate that was filled with pancakes earlier. He grabs the plate and reads the note.

Thank you for the delicious pancakes, Mr. Hart.

Love you - your Bella <3

With a big smile still on his face, he takes the sticky note and puts it in the center of the fridge where he can see the note every day. When he puts the plate in the sink and turns around to face Scarlett, his smile disappears again. "Okay, let's get this over with. What do you want?"

"Just to give you a heads up so you're not shocked when you find out on your own." She plays with the envelope but confuses him. "What the hell are you talking about?" He asks, his eyebrows furrowing.

"I was out today and saw your little girlfriend. She had company, her ex, and let me tell you, they didn't act as exes should." She pulls out the pictures she took and silently glee as she watches Alexander's face contorted with different emotions.

He grabs and looks at the pictures that show Bella and her ex just standing together on the street. Then the next one shows how he's leaning down, his arms around her. The angle could portray a lot of things but one of them could suggest them kissing.

But Alexander doesn't want to believe it. He trusts Bella and he knows her enough to confidently say that she would never do this to him. He knows that she would tell him and first break up with him if she has any intention to being with someone else.

And as he was about to speak and say that to Scarlett, the door unlocks and soon they see Bella walking towards them, looking all confused.

"Hey, love," Alexander says warily. He doesn't want to think anything bad until she explains but the thought that this could be real kills him. He knows that he would never get over this if it turns out to be true. He will be heartbroken.

"Hi...what's going on?" She asks as quietly as possible when she joins him by his side. She looks at Scarlett across the kitchen island wondering why she's here, and she gets even more confused when she sees Scarlett smirking at her.

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