chapter 4: insensitive touch

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The next day, I walked to school, the cold air circling me. I felt uneasy, like I was doing something I shouldn't be. I shouldn't go to school? It was confusing, but I was dreading school.
There's not so much I can do now, for I was two minutes away. I walked into the gates- like I was entering a prison of helplessness.
Science again. I really didn't want to go.
I walked in amidst my friends- I felt more protected this way. He smiled at me when I entered and I forced a smile back.
I tried to lay low this lesson, taking more time to finish my work, put up my whiteboard etc. That way, I gave him no reason to be around me. And it worked... for a while.

Out of nowhere, his red pen rolled under my desk. I bent down to pick it up, but he was there before me.
I tightly closed my legs together- it made me feel less exposed. I was wearing a mini pleated skirt. After what felt like minutes passing, he moved back to his original position, his red pen clenched in his hand.

I wanted to go home.

The rest of the lesson, he meticulously took care of me. Whenever I didn't understand a question, he made sure I did. And when I answered something correctly, he praised me.

I was grateful to him for teaching me, but I didn't know if that could excuse his touch.

"Everyone listen up, you have probably heard that exam week is going to be taking place next week"
Exams. Oh my god, I should have started studying a lot earlier.
"This exam is covering a lot of content so if you want, I can get questions for you after school. Please raise your hands if you're coming after school, so I have a rough idea"
I definitely needed some practice questions. They are one-handedly the best revision technique. I looked around to see if anyone else had their hand up. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5...7 people, not bad- at least I won't be going alone.
So I raised my hand too.
At break, my mind wandered as Yuna spoke and giggled about her new crush.
"Are you okay Joy?"
I came back to reality, " Um yes, of course I am" , I answered back enthusiastically, wanting her not to ask more questions. She didn't catch on. Good.

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