chapter 2: lessons

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The next day, I walked to double physics with my classmates. Strangely enough, I was looking forward to it.
I went in and sat at my desk and starting taking the necessary things out of my bag- my pencil case, planner, exercise book etc etc. I felt a pair of eyes on me but i ignored it, I was not ready to have small talk with Mr Win this early in the morning. My brain is currently ready for learning but not for social interaction at all. Don't get me wrong, it's not that I'm socially awkward- I can talk to people when I need to. I'm just on the introverted side: quiet and shy.

We started the lesson. Total internal reflection. It was a pretty enjoyable concept I thought. It was straightforward but still caught my interest.
"Joy...if the angle is still above the critical angle, why doesn't total internal reflection occur?"
"uh... because it's from a lower density medium to a higher one, the angle of refraction can't increase" I replied.
"Yep, Well done!" He said as he shot a smile at me.
It happened a couple of times during class, he complimented me and used my work as an example. Academic validation is really it I thought.

I know I shouldn't think this- but it made me feel special, having someone applaud me and 'like me' for me.

The five weeks term passed by very quickly, science being what I looked forward to most each day. Nothing was dreary about it- he.. Mr Win taught it in an enjoyable fashion.

He complimented me a lot and applauded me too; other teachers would have just given a brief nod of approval.

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