Frat Party

877 33 68

TW: manipulation, lime/description of sexual activities, smut/nonconsensual sexual activities

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TJ stared daggers at me as I packed up the notebook, quickly glancing at the note in my notebook Dream gave me,

'Finish what we started? My place later tomorrow? Text me' he wrote. Hell yes.

"So, Clay is a dick," TJ said after I texted Dream confirming our plans.

Taken aback, my mouth hung open once again. "What?"

"He's a dick. He's 'tutoring' you so he can have sex," he said matter of factly.

"What?" I said again, raising my voice. "He doesn't want that! He is actually pretty sweet when you think about it. I asked him to help me!" The last part was a lie but a pretty convincing one. "Also what do you mean by 'tutoring'" I asked putting my hands up in air quotes as he did before.

"He's obviously trying to get in your pants, dumb ass!"

I looked at him shocked. Instead of being hurt and offended, I scoffed in annoyance, "Dumb ass? Really? Real classy, TJ."

TJ sighed and sat next to me on my bed. "Look, I'm sorry, but I just don't want you to get hurt again. You said he hurt you, right? You're a good person who-"

I silenced TJ with a hand on his shoulder, causing him to look at me. "He's different now. I can feel it."

TJ took my hand from my shoulder and clasped it between his own hands. "George," he started. "Don't date him. Please."

When he saw my expression wasn't changing, he kissed me on the cheek and tilted my head up towards his. "Come on, George, what about us?"

I blushed without meaning to. I thought back to the past events we shared together. "I-um-what about us?"

"I can give you so much more than he can. You deserve that. I can give you love and care and so much pleasure every single night that you'll find it difficult to say no."

I raised an eyebrow. "I'll find it hard to say no?" I asked skeptically.

TJ smiled. "Just an expression."


As the conversation died down, I slipped off my clothes and climbed into bed. I didn't fall asleep though, I couldn't. It was impossible cause all I was doing was thinking about all the things TJ said and also what Dream said. Was it possible to love two people at the same time?

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The next day went too slow for me to focus on homework. After school, I called Dream to pick me up which he did. We finished what we had started as promised, but I let him know I had an early class the next day hoping he would understand that I couldn't sleep over unless he wanted to drive me at 7:30 in the morning.

The rest of the week, however, went by in a blur...except when I was in my room with TJ. It became a thing - me and TJ fucking that is. I mean, he wasn't wrong about showing me pleasure every night...or at least on the nights I was actually in the dorm. I couldn't help but spend a couple of nights at Dream's and then come back late at night. TJ never really thought much about it (because he would let me know if it bothered him) and it was mostly because I would tell him I was studying/doing homework in the library. I wasn't sure why I was lying, though. I didn't owe TJ anything nor were we exclusive. If he wants us to be more he can tell me, but for now, I'll keep seeing Dream.

On a Friday night, I was laying down on my bed after TJ told me to. He grabbed the lube and just as he was about to squirt some into his palm, a knock on the door followed by a "George! TJ! Let's go!"

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