Only Mine

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TW: abuse, manipulation/blackmailing
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We were laughing the whole way to my dorm building. Even when we got inside the building, we laughed all the way to my room, trying to stifle our laughs in the hall. It was pretty late at night and quiet hours were a thing my RA had stressed.

"I can't..." I trailed off laughing again. "Believe..." Dream wheezed with me. "That happened!" I finally exclaimed, bursting out laughing again.

"What? You've never seen that before?" Dream chuckled, gaining his composure.

"No! I thought that was just in the movies! I can't believe you choked on your drink!" I said, trying my best to quiet down.

"It still hurts," Dream said, rubbing his nose. "Not just my nose, but also the embarrassment."

"Oh relax, I'm sure that waiter has been spit on plenty of times," I joked, trying not to break into laughter again.

Dream cracked a smile. "Mhm," he hummed in response, narrowing his eyes at me in a fake annoyed way.

We had went out to dinner after a... spicy meeting in the library. Dream offered to pay for everything, courtesy of his job. Not the kidnapping job, of course, but his other one which he secured shortly after Techno had offered him the kidnapping job...well at least that's what he told me.

"Thanks for this little date," I said when we arrived at my door.

Dream's face turned a light pink. "Oh, was that what you thought it was?" He said softly just above a whisper. He sounded hopeful and intrigued.

My face turned the same shade and I glanced down at the floor. "I thought it was."

Dream used his index finger to lift up my chin. "I think it was a date, too, Georgie." He smiled and planted a soft kiss on my lips.

A comfortable silence fell over us before I chimed in. "Do you want to come in?"

"O-oh, really?" I nodded my head. "I don't think your roommate likes me very much," he whispered.

"He's not here. He told me he's tutoring this kid tonight at 7 so he probably just left to go to the kid's house. We have some time."

"Okay, sure then," Dream said as I unlocked the door.

We stepped inside and before I could even say one word, TJ came up to us, narrowed his eyes at Dream, and said, "What are you doing here?"

"TJ-" I breathlessly whispered. "What are you doing-"

"Not tutoring?" he cut me off.

"Well, yeah."

"Noah's mom cancelled last minute," he said pretty quickly, still locking eyes with Dream.

"We were only stopping in for a few-"

"Where were you?" TJ asked, now turning his attention to me.

I swallowed hard, deciding if I should lie or not.

"Where the fuck were you?" TJ said, stepping closer to me than I would like. He looked like he was ready to strike.

Dream stepped slightly in front of me and put his hand out in front of TJ. "Hey, maybe you should back off," he said lowly. It sounded more like a threat than a suggestion. "He doesn't have to answer you if he doesn't want."

"Um, no, no, D-Clay, it's fine," I whispered. He lowered his hand but remained where he was standing. "If you must know, TJ, we went out to dinner."

He eyes hardened on me. I could practically see the angry steam coming off him. "You went out to dinner?" TJ repeated, stressing every word slowly.

I swallowed hard again. "Yes," I croaked.

"Hm." TJ nodded. "Like on a date?"

Panicked, I stuttered out, "N-no, TJ. It's not like that with him. He's a friend." When he didn't change his expression, I quickly added, "That's it."

TJ locked eyes with Dream again and raised his eyebrows as if to ask him the same question. Dream seemed to be intimidated by him, too, because he too stuttered out, "Um, y-yeah. I-It's not like that. We're just friends." He swallowed hard and looked down. He looked so pained from saying that.

TJ seemed satisfied enough and without saying another word shooed Dream out the door. He watched through the peephole until Dream was all the way down the hall.

"TJ, listen, you have to believe me." I took a breath to start explaining myself more but then he smiled which confused me. Why the hell was he smiling?

*caution: abuse*

TJ chuckled softly. It wasn't comforting at all. The laugh was filled with evil intentions and doused with enraged emotions. He shook his head slowly then all of a sudden raised his fist.

Before I could even react from the sudden change of emotion, he swiftly punched me in the jaw, bringing me down to the ground. My jaw hurt, no my whole face hurt, it erupted in flames, burning fire, tearing the flesh from my bones. I held what felt like a broken face in my hands, tears formed in my eyes. The pain subsided for a second only because the pain was replaced with a choking sensation. He squeezed my throat, tighter and tighter until I started to see stars dance around my head. My hands left my face and held his hands against my throat, begging him to stop through strangled squeaks.

He finally let go just for a second to throw me over his shoulder and toss me onto my bed. I groaned out in pain as my hand brushes my jawbone. Before I can completely come to, he quickly undressed me faster than I thought was humanly possible and sat behind me, knees folded, hands restrained by his.

*caution: manipulation/blackmailing*

"If you tell anyone about this, I'll hurt you more than you could ever imagine," he whispered in my ear, sending shivers up and down my spine. "What a vulnerable position, Georgie," he playfully whispered. My heart was practically beating out of my chest. I squirmed harder in his grasp. He tightened his grip on me. "George, don't make this harder than it has to be. You have no power here."

I wanted to scream but something in my head told me not to. All I could do was lock eyes with TJ and hope he would stop whatever he was doing-but he didn't. I squirmed and tried to get out of his grasp when I saw him pull out handcuffs from his nightstand drawer. No no no no no. A tear slipped down my face, then another, then another. This couldn't be happening. He saw me basically fight for my life and put a hand over my mouth. He leaned in close to me and whispered, "Shut the fuck up or I'll make your pain worse than you can imagine. Let's not forget who has the power here. Now be a good boy-" He successfully captured both my wrists in a metal prison bringing me back to places I didn't want to remember.

Instead of fucking me like I thought he would, he whipped out his phone and took pictures. He took more than I could count. I lost count at 17 but he kept going even when I closed my eyes and wished for death. Anything would be better than this. He took full body ones, ones that looked like selfies, and even some of my dick that he somehow made hard. He had that effect on me. It was stupid and fucked up, but I didn't know how to turn that part off.

*end of abuse* + *end of manipulation/blackmailing*

Crying through the embarrassment and pain, TJ rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, "God what a fucking baby." He unlocked the cuffs and climbed into bed with me. I rolled over to my side, not being able to look at him. He took this as an invitation to wrap his arms possessively around me. I trembled and cried silently, thinking he might hit me again if I was loud.

"You are mine, no one else's," TJ said, "Don't fucking forget that."

Rigid Love (Sequel to Stockholm Syndrome)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin