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TW: none (not a traumatic chapter pog??)
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My eyes fluttered open but immediately shut after the bright light practically burned my corneas. I looked around the room after my eyes adjusted, completely confused and honestly...a little scared. Did TJ do this??

"George, hey," I heard a soft voice say beside me.

My head snapped to the side, heart rate rising rapidly. I relaxed as I saw Dream sitting by my side, hair a little messy, my hand in his.

"It's okay. It's okay," he said, rubbing my hand.

I settled back into the bed, feeling his caring touch.

"Where am I?" I whispered, my throat dry and voice raspy.


I nodded. As I suspected, we were in a hospital and I was in a hospital bed. I didn't feel any pain , though? Why would I be in here if everything was okay?

"That reminds me. We should probably call the nurse. She said I should tell her when you wake up." He pressed the 'call nurse' button on my bed. "How do you feel, by the way?" Dream asked while we waited.

I thought for a while, listening to the rhythmic beeping at my side. I shifted in my bed, seeing if I could feel any pain. I looked at my body. assessing by the injuries. From my what I could see, my left arm was held by a sling, my body was littered with many bandages including a big one on my lower abdomen. The rest of my body was covered in bruises and light scars. The only thing that was bothering me was my pounding head. "...I'm okay," I finally said, looking around the hospital room.

My eyes still flicked all around. This could be a fucked up nightmare for all I know. TJ could very well come through that door and stab me and Dream in the next couple seconds.

Dream must've sensed my nervous behavior because he gave my hand a small squeeze then brought it to his lips, kissing it with a sweet tenderness. "George," he put his other hand on my cheek and turned my head to look at him. "It's okay, baby. It's just us in here. I'm always going to protect you, okay?" He paused for a second before saying, "I lo-" he bit his tongue.

I squeezed his hand back. I knew what he wanted to say. I wasn't sure why he decided at the last minute not to say it but I could tell he wanted to. "I love you, Dream." I smiled.

Dream's head shot up. His face brightened immediately and he excitedly said, "I love you, George."

Dream leaned in slightly for a kiss but just before our lips met, a nurse walked in.

"Oh! I'm sorry! Am I interrupting something?" she said, cautiously entering the room.

"No, it's alright. I'm just glad to have my boyfriend back," Dream said, smiling at me.

I smiled back. Was that the first time he's called me that? I couldn't remember...but I loved it. I'm Dream's boyfriend and Dream is my boyfriend.

"Alright. We're just gonna do some quick vitals okay?" the nurse said.

I nodded. She did the necessary vitals and I answered her questions about what I could remember since I had a concussion. It was very small and minor but it was still something that has to be monitored.

After my vitals, I took the opportunity alone with Dream to ask him about TJ.

Dream took my hand again and took a deep breath. Oh no.

"They can't fine him right now. The police have looked everywhere but he's nowhere to be found. It's only been a day though so I'm sure they'll find him soon."

I nodded, just thinking. At least I was far away and safe in this hospital with a hundred nurses and my amazing boyfriend to protect me.

I decided to change the subject again after awkward silence. "Can I get out of this room?"

Dream looked completely bewildered. "Um...yeah...I didn't think you would want to though."

"No, Im ready. Let's go," I said, trying to move to the edge of my bed to stand up.

Dream pulled out a wheelchair from the corner of the room.

"What?? Dream no, no, please."

"It's a non negotiable. Doctor's orders."

"Really?" I attempted to use my puppy dog eyes.

"Really, George. Maybe we can see about walking when we get in the gardens."

"The gardens?" I ask while Dream helps me in the wheelchair.

"I visited them earlier today when I was waiting for you to wake up. I needed somewhere to think. Somewhere peaceful."

I smiled. "Sounds like a perfect place."

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Dream had lifted me on a bench in the gardens when no one was around. We were the only two left in there which made me feel at peace. I was finally happy. We talked about various topics for a couple hours before we got on the topics of futures.

"What do you imagine for your future, George?" Dream asked, stroking my hair mindlessly while I leaned on him for support.

I thought for awhile. "Hm, I guess... I don't know...finish university, get a job, and then eventually I'll-" I pause deciding if I should say it or not. Well, it's now or never. "Marry the one I love." I looked in Dream's eyes expecting to freak out or laugh but he just stared at me like I was his favorite person, then smiled widely.

We fell into a comfortable silence for a few seconds before Dream spoke again, "I know we don't know what our futures hold for sure, but I've been thinking about mine...we'll, ours. And - only if you want to - I would like to know if you would marry me."

I took a shaky, but excited breath. In a few words I felt taken aback but this - this is something I never expected. Something that I thought he'd never ask, yet I couldn't speak when I opened my mouth. No words came out - just happy squeal.

Dream chuckled and quickly added, "You don't have to marry me this year or the next or even in the next five but I do want to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you. I'm sure of that-"

Before Dream could say anything else, I leaned in and kissed him deeply, passionately. "Yes, Dream. I want that more than anything."

Dream's eyes watered slightly. "Really?"

I laughed and nodded. "Yes, of course."

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As we settled into the tiny hospital bed, Dream kissed my forehead and whispered, "God, I love you so much."

"Not more than I love you," I argued.

"Impossible. I love you more than you will ever know."

I settled into Dream's chest, smiling. I was too tired to continue arguing over who loved who more. Although we were spending the first night as fiancées in a hospital room, I was perfectly content and wouldn't change a thing about it.

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