Start of Something Terrible

678 26 16

TW: explicit/sexual language/scenes, forced consumption of drugs, panic attack, rape

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After TJ went to sleep, I spent the majority of the night packing while texting Dream so he knew everything was going to be okay. Coincidentally, his flight was okay, as well. Not extraordinary but also not horrible.

Once so had one of my two suitcases packed, I sat down on the floor, leaning up against my bed for support.

I rubbed my tired eyes, actively fighting the urge to not crawl into bed and get some sleep. I didn't trust TJ and his threat earlier didn't make me feel any safer whether it was real or not.

I closed my eyes for a couple more seconds, preparing to pack up the remainder of my things when all of a sudden I felt a sharp pain in my left shoulder. I barely had time to see what had caused it before my vision blurred and my head hit the ground.

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I woke up the next morning exhausted and sore. I look down at my body and notice I only have boxers on. That's when the pain in my head sets in. I reach out to touch it but my hands are restrained above me.

No no no no no. I try my best to calm myself, slowing my breathing. I have to calm down and find a way out of these handcuffs. After that I get my clothes and get the fuck out of here.

I pull at the cuffs around my wrists but that doesn't seem to do anything. Next I attempt to wriggle my hands out of the cuffs but that only hurts my hands. The third thing I try to do is ignore the pain and tug on the handcuffs as hard as I can until the bed post or something breaks but that proves to be useless as well.

I realize I have to resort to yelling as loud as I possibly can so someone can hear me and hopefully get the attention of someone important.

Just as I'm about to yell, TJ walks in, tossing his backpack and coat on his bed. "Oh, you're awake. That's annoying...but it will also make this part very fun."

*caution: explicit/sexual language/scenes*

He approaches me on the bed and I can't help but squirm away from him as best I can. He touches my bare chest, sliding his hand down until it reaches its final destination.

I am completely speechless, not having the words to articulate how I'm feeling. It's a mesh of shock, confusion, sadness, anger...and so many more emotions I don't even have words for. Overwhelmed, my eyes well up with tears.

"You know, George I couldn't stop thinking about you during my classes." He massages my dick through my boxers.

"I'm gonna fuck you so good and then after that I'm going to need you to go to sleep for me."

*end of explicit/sexual language/scenes*

He grabbed a cup of water and white pill from his desk and brought it over to me. "But we'll get a head start on the sleeping part right now. It takes a while to set in the first time...but after that maybe a couple minutes until you start feeling the effects."

I finally find my voice, but barely any sentences are forming. "TJ," I start.

"No, no, Georgie." TJ covered my mouth to prevent me from speaking, then removed it to replace it with the water cup.

I instantly closed my mouth. He couldn't force feed me a sedative or whatever was in his other hand.

"Don't be difficult now," TJ said, holding down my wriggling body, trying to not spill the water everywhere.

*caution: forced consumption of drugs*

A few more seconds of me thrashing around, TJ slapped me hard across the face, forcing me to stop moving for a few seconds. Turns out that's all he needed to get a hold on me, plug my nose, and tilt my head back slightly.

"Take it like a good boy," he whispered in my ear sending shivers through my body. It was unnerving and had a hint of a sexual tone.

Several seconds go by and TJ waits patiently for me to run out of air. Eventually, I can't take it anymore when I feel lightheaded and my blurred vision is accompanied by spots. TJ gets what he wants when I open my mouth to get air.

He wastes no time putting the pill in my mouth then washing it down with water. I could only hold it in my mouth for a few seconds before having to swallow. TJ holds a hand over my mouth the whole time.

*end of forced consumption of drugs*

"Good boy," TJ whispered against my lips before kissing me softly.

He then took a two silk ribbons out from his pocket, one of them a little bigger than the other.

"TJ, no, please-"

"Shh, baby boy, shh." He took the slimmer of the two and placed it near my mouth and around my head.

"TJ, please, don't-" When I opened my mouth to speak, he took the opportunity to sneak the ribbon in my mouth, tying it tight around my head. My pleas quickly became gurgled whines. My eyes welled up with tears.

TJ looked me in the eyes and used his index finger to catch a tear falling form my eye. He looked exhausted and broken. "Please don't cry, George," he whispered softly.

I only cried harder, my wails being cut off by the gag.

"Please, stop," TJ said just above a whisper. His eyes looked almost misty. "Don't make this harder than it already is."

"Why?" I asked, but it was captured by the gag.

He seemed to understand my question either way, though. "You are mine, George and I need to do this." He sighed. "He said I can do whatever I want with you now that you are mine."

My eyes widened. He... wasn't doing this alone. Was this a game to him? A sick joke? What the hell was he talking about??

"Never mind, though." TJ straightened out his voice and brought the other ribbon around my eyes, securing it tightly around my head despite me thrashing around.

Another tear escaped from my eye from underneath the blindfold. I felt TJ's finger wipe the tear away before hearing the sound of tape rip.

"Just an extra precaution," TJ muttered after placing the duct tape around my mouth.

*caution: panic attack + rape*

I whined and trembled when I felt him insert a finger underneath the elastic of my boxers. I shuddered at the cold air hitting my naked body when he ripped them off. I closed my eyes, feeling tired in more than one way. Tears gathered in my eyes, spilling over the edge every so often. My heartbeat quickened when I felt him lift up my legs and put his tip at my entrance.

I cried under him and tried to scream but it only came out as a small, muffled whine. My head became light and dizzy. The thoughts in my head spun around and around, nagging at me to say something...anything please, they pleaded. I shook my head, breathing rapidly. No, I can't. I actually can't speak. It'll be drowned out. I am completely and utterly helpless right now.

He pushed all the way in and immediately started thrusting in and out. He moaned loudly. "Oh, you're being so good for me," TJ moaned in my ear. "Maybe I should control you like this more often."

My eyes grew heavier and heavier as his moans became louder and louder. No matter how hard I tried to fight it, I couldn't stay awake any longer. I let my mind and body float off into a sea of pain and darkness.

*end of panic attack + rape*

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