Chapter 28

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Kanan, Ezra, Sabine, and Jeffrey all flew away from the base on a land speeder early the next morning.

"Why can't we just practice back at the base?" Sabine asked.

"It's better out here, fewer distractions. Gets your mind focused." Kanan answered.

"And it's safer for everyone else, you'll do less damage." Ezra added.

"Nice one!" Jeffrey cheered.

Sabine rolled her eyes. "I'll damage you both if you don't shut up." 

Jeffrey and Ezra just grinned and shrugged it off. When they arrived at their destination Kanan assigned them all to grabbing the supplies out of the speeder and setting up camp.

Ezra and Sabine set the last crate down before taking a well deserved break. "When you said that would be training me, I thought there would be more sword-fighting involved." Sabine said to Kanan.

"Hey it's always like this. He was the same with me." Ezra encouraged her.

"Yeah, and look how well you've turned out." Kanan responded.

"Ooooooooooohhhhhhh, he totally got you there!" Jeffrey laughed while Ezra just shook his head at his friend's antics.

"Are you being serious? Is he being serious?" Sabine asked in surprise about Kanan's comment.

"I can never tell." Ezra said.

"We should get started." Kanan grabbed two sticks.

"Try not to sound so excited." Sabine said as she stood up. "Hey what's this?" She asked after Kanan tossed one of the sticks to her.

"Training saber." Was Kanan's reply.

"Really?" Sabine raised an eyebrow.

"Before we get started with the real thing, I want to see your technique." Kanan walked out onto the open ground.

"I already know how to fight with a stick." Sabine said as she tossed it in the air.

"Then this should be easy for you." Kanan replied.

They both got into a battle position while Jeffrey and Ezra spectated. "100 credits says that Kanan wins in 30 seconds." Ezra said.

"Deal." Jeffrey smiled as they shook on it.

Sabine finally let out a battle cry and lunged at Kanan. He easily side-stepped her attack and pushed her to the ground. 

"Oooooooooooof!" Jeffrey and Ezra reacted.

"That might work on a stormtrooper, but not me." Kanan said.

Sabine didn't say anything as she jumped back to her feet and charged at Kanan again. Kanan effortlessly dodged her attacks before quickly disarming her and knocking her to the ground again. He put his training saber up to her neck.

"And that's your head. Every mistake is a limb lost. The blade is never aggressive."  Kanan said.

"27 seconds! I win!" Ezra shouted triumphantly as Jeffrey groaned.

"Ok, let's go again." Sabine said as she rose to her feet.

Kanan sighed. "No, you better practice with Ezra first." He handed the training saber to Ezra.

"Alright." Ezra took it from Kanan's hand.

"Why?" Sabine questioned.

"Ezra, walk her through the forms." Kanan said as he walked away.

"Kanan." Sabine complained.

Ezra offered her one of the training sabers and she took it.

"Ok, ready position. Sabine! This is ready position." Ezra demonstrated. "Ok great, that's ready position. Now we go one, two." Ezra said as he walked her through the steps.

Kanan watched his student show Sabine the forms. A few hours later, behind everyone, Jeffrey stared at a rather large boulder.

Jeffrey pulled out both of his sabers and charged at the rock. He jumped into the air and made a huge slash that resembled an X across the boulder. A second later it split into four pieces.

"That's pretty impressive." Kanan said.

Jeffrey whirled around, surprised that he was being watched.  "Thanks, I have really been working on my Jar'Kai."  (Basically the lightsaber form that involves wielding two sabers)

"It is definitely improving. But I know a few ways you can improve it further." Kanan walked over to him.

"Show me." Jeffrey said.

Over the next few days, Ezra mostly worked with Sabine while Kanan showed Jeffrey some more advanced skills.

On day 4, Kanan went back to watching Ezra and Sabine. At noon they all had lunch together.

"I'm telling you, I have never been able to blast a rock that large before. It was crazy!" Jeffrey grinned wildly as he told one of his stories.

Both Ezra and Sabine looked to Kanan for confirmation. "He's not kidding. I sensed it through the Force." Kanan said.

"So, how are you guys doing?" Jeffrey finally calmed down a bit.

"Sabine's doing really well! She is getting really good at the forms." Ezra smiled.

"I don't know about that." Sabine said glumly.

"Just remember, if you have any complaints about the teacher, I'll take him down a peg or two. Jeffrey said.

That got a smile out of Sabine.

"Hey! That was a close fight and you know it!" Ezra exclaimed.

"Yeah but I still won." Jeffrey shot back.

"Alright that's enough Jeffrey, Ezra, please sit back down and finish eating." Kanan groaned at their constant jokes and rivalry.

Both of them sighed. "Ok." They sat back down and resumed eating.

"When you guys finish, I want to see Ezra and Sabine duel." Kanan said.

Ezra and Sabine gave each other a stare down. "Fine by me." Sabine said.

"Alright! The duel of the century!" Jeffrey started getting hyped up. "Who will win? The kid from Lothal or the Graffiti Master from Mandalore?"

I think I'll stop here for now. Hope you guys enjoyed it! Until next time, Lunch Kid out.

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